Electricity + Control June 2016


WIKA We operate on your level

FEATURES: • Pressure+ levelmeasurement • Cables+ accessories • Electrical protection+ safety • Plantmaintenance, test+measurement • Energy+ enviroFiciency: Focus on control systems+ automation

W IKA has a comprehensive range of instruments for level meas- urement available for temperatures from -200ºC up to 450°C, densities from 340 kg/m³ and pressure ranges up to 500 bar. The product spectrum includes bypass level indicators, sight glass level indicators, magnetic float transmitters and switches, optoelectronic switches and submersible pressure transmitters. Customer-specific special designs complete theWIKA offering. A major part of the development is applied to individual solutions for the widest variety of applications in the chemical, pharmaceutical, offshore and petroleum, shipbuilding, and food industries, as well as for machine and plant building, water treatment plants and increas- ingly for the large environmental engineering sector. In South Africa,WIKA manufactures a large range of level switches and level transmitters, fast and efficiently on their local production line – with delivery times from as little as one day.They stock a large variety of floats, from plastics to titanium, with options of special coatings, exotic materials and special surface finishes. WIKA South Africa manufactures internal point, continuous meas- urement as well as external bypass variants. They are constantly increasing capabilities to high temperatures, horizontal measurement and final assembly of non-metallic sub-assemblies. In the longer term, ATEX approved assemblies will also be undertaken. Our qualified employees are always dedicated to finding the solu- tion to customer-specific problems.The latest production techniques, no-compromise quality management as well as national and interna-

tional approvals are further prerequisites for our company's good name. Level measurements in the water and waste- water management are essential for efficient monitoring and control of all process steps in the water cycle. WIKA can provide

the solution whenever reliability, water tightness, robustness and long service life are key demands on the measurement technology. WIKA submersible pressure trans- mitters offer proven design and excellent quality, based on years of experience in countless applications in the industry. WIKA offers the right solution for level measurement for almost every application in the water and wastewater industry.WIKA submers- ible pressure transmitters are available in

many variants, for tasks ranging from simple monitoring to precise process control in pumping, retention and treatment of water and wastewater. WIKA offers the right solution, even in harsh environments and aggressive media.

Enquiries: WIKA Instruments (Pty) Ltd., South Africa Tel: +27 (0)11 621 0000, Fax: +27 (0)11 621 0078 Email: sales@wika.co.za www.wika.co.za

June ‘16 Electricity+Control


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