Electricity + Control June 2018
FEATURES: · Cables + accessories
· Control systems + automation · Electrical protection + safety · Plant maintenance + test + measurement · Pressure + level measurement + instrumentation
Today’s science… tomorrow’s technology
R ecently, as I have done so often at this time of the year, I was privileged to accompany a group of South African learners to participate in the Intel ISEF in Pittsburgh, in the USA. The ISEF, or International Science and Engineering Fair is the largest pre-college science fair in the world, and ranked as the most successful pipeline into STEM in the world. I would not argue with those asser- tions. More than 1800 learners participated in this competitive fair, and I was one of approximately 1000 judges who evaluated their work. To say the experience is mind-blow- ing is an absolute understatement. Here we are looking at some of the brightest minds in the world, unshackled, in many respects, by those years of chemistry and physics training that rapidly make one ful- ly aware of what is not possible. Of course there is rigour, and most of the participants are well mentored in preparation for the competition. South Africa is engaged because the Eskom Expo for Young Scientists is an af- filiated fair, and as a result we can send a number of students across each year. This year we sent eight participants, and one more as an observer and also as a participant in the allied Broadcom MAS- TERS I can report that team South Africa achieved three awards overall ― two fourth in category and one special award. No matter how you analyse this, it is an outstanding achievement, and one that we can be genuinely proud of as a Nation. The challenge I pose once again, of course, is how we massify this level of ex- cellence to incorporate every young South
I can report, however, that the depart- ment of basic Education has for a number of years now been remarkably supportive of the Eskom Expo for Young Scientists, to the extent that they not only provide financial support to the organisation, but also have released many of their staff and facilities to engage in projects of the Es- kom Expo for Young Scientists. In itself this is a significant develop- ment, and one that we are deeply appre- ciative of. It is also important to note the involvement, at various levels, of many South African Universities in supporting these learners, and the huge number of South African volunteers, across the country, who make all of this possible. Finally, and although there are a num- ber of sponsors, including the Department of Science and Technology and SAASTA, Eskom must be acknowledged as the pri- mary sponsor ― and be commended for this real commitment to building STEM in South Africa. This year was my eighth opportunity to participate as a Grand Award judge ― and it is evident that the standards of science education right across the planet are im- proving all the while, and the opportunity being granted to bright young minds is as- tounding. I am mindful of our challenges in this area, and encourage everyone who can to get involved at the level of these learners as mentors, judges, advisors ― or simply role models.
FEATURES: · Cables+ accessories
· Control systems+ automation · Electrical protection+ safety · Plantmaintenance+ test+measurement · Pressure+ levelmeasurement+ instrumentation
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CABLES+ACCESSORIES 4 Cable Solutions for servo and variable frequency drives: Information supplied by Helukabel
7 Round Up
CONTROL SYSTEMS+AUTOMATION 10 Integrated drive technology for optimised machine de- sign: Andreas Golf, Beckhoff Automation 12 Master mining with IIoT: Information provided by En- dress+hauser
14 Round Up
ELECTRICAL PROTECTION+SAFETY 18 Harmonic filtering on board diamond mining vessel: John Mitchell, CP Automation
22 Round Up
PLANT MAINTENANCE+TEST+MEASUREMENT 26 Point to line – laser triangulation: Information provided by Micro-epsilon
29 Applying handheld test tools to preventative mainte- nance: A Fluke application, supplied by COMTEST
33 Round Up
PRESSURE+LEVEL MEASUREMENT+INSTRUMENTATION 34 Overload safety of Bourdon tube pressure gauges: Mark Syguda, Wika Instrumentation
37 Round Up
1 Comment 21 Cover Article 38 Light+Current 40 Events 40 Advertisers 40 Write @ the back
2 Electricity + Control
JUNE 2018
Cable solutions for servo and variable frequency drives (VFD)
Take Note!
The strong electromagnetic interference results from; The extremely short turn- on and turn-off times of the IGBTs. From the high pulse fre- quencies of the frequen- cy converter. 2 1
Information provided by Helukabel
Electric drive systems with continuous torque and speed control are widespread today. They allow an optimal adjustment of the drive with respect to the application.
T hese systems allow an optimal adjustment of the drive with respect to the application. Standard drive systems consist of three- phase, alternating-current, asynchronous motors and related controls via frequency converters.
and continuous variable torque and speed control, certain negative effects should also be taken into consideration. These include strong electromag- netic interference through the motor power supply cable, high overvoltage in the supply cable, high leakage and interference currents. Problems with electromagnetic interferences The strong electromagnetic interference re- sults from the extremely short turn-on and turn-off times of the IGBTs (nanoseconds) and from the high pulse frequencies of the frequency converter (up to 20 kHz). This leads to a very high propor- tion of harmonic waves of the sinusoidal output voltage of the converter. The strong electromag- netic emissions, emanated especially from motor supply cables, result in major interference with the distribution network, the devices and data transfer.
A frequency converter consists of two Insulate Gate Bipolar Transistor (IGBT)-controlled units: 1) a rectifier that is connected to a three-phase, alter- nating current with a given frequency f1 (e.g. 50 or 60 Hz), which generates a pulsating direct current; 2) an inverter that reconverts the direct current in a new alternating voltage with variable level and frequency f2 (0 to 400 Hz). Using the motor sup- ply cable, the speed of the servo motor can be precisely controlled by changing the frequency f2.
As a consequence, the European standard EN 61 800-3 (July 2005) specifies the maximum inter- ference level of drive systems in order to ensure that signal transmissions are adequately protected against interference. This regulation, which differ- entiates between category C1 ‘residential areas’ and category C3 ‘industrial areas,’ establishes the maximum permissible interference levels of the radio interference voltage from 0.15 MHz up to 30 MHz, and of the radiated electromagnetic interfer-
Negative effects Although there are a number of benefits associ- ated with frequency converters, such as precise
4 Electricity + Control
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ground as current leakage via the shield and me- tallic motor parts. It can also flow through the ball bearing of the motor shaft, which can result in dam- age, such as depressions in the ball bearing rings. In order to compensate for the above-men- tioned effects of frequency converter technology, HELUKABEL ® offers motor supply cables with optimised characteristics. Both the material used and the design are specially adapted for this ap- plication.
ence from 30 MHz up to 1,000 MHz (1 GHz). How- ever, interference can be avoided if well-shielded cables and, in special cases, cables with additional line filters are used. Problems with electrical surge The voltage generated by the frequency converter has a fundamental wave with an approximate sinu- soidal course and an impressed frequency between 0 and 400 Hz, depending on the set motor speed. That process also creates harmonics in a high fre- quency range of approximately 100 MHz. The fun- damental wave and the harmonics are transmitted to the motor via the motor supply cables. When the characteristic impedance of the mo- tor supply cable is changed, impulse waves are generated at the beginning and end of the cable, which in turn generate electrical surge through reflection of the harmonics (called reflected wave phenomenon). This only occurs if the length of the motor supply cable is greater than the wavelength of the harmonic. With short cable lengths, i.e. if the cable length is shorter than the wavelength, transient responses appear at the frequency con- verter output. As a result, voltages are generated that are two to three times greater than the motor voltage.Those voltage peaks place a recurring load on the insulation of the motor supply cable. For this reason the insulation must be dimensioned in such a way that those voltage peaks do not have any harmful effects (e.g. failure of cable due to arc- ing between conductors to shield). The high frequencies at the converter output mean that high capacitance leakage currents are generated, which flow over the shield and the motor housing to the earth, and thus determine the cross-section of the braided shields and the shield connections. The shield must be designed in such a way that it is not excessively heated by the current flowing through it. Especially with long cable lengths, high earth capacitance can result in reactive currents, which burden the frequency converter. Due to the inverter's over-current limit, it might no longer be possible to transmit the nec- essary active power to the motor. Adequate care must also be taken to properly ground these cur- rents and not change the voltage potential which will affect the clock timing. Using a cable gland as well as attaching the cable ground wire to the pan- el bus ground terminal are good practices to help prevent this problem. The reactive current does not contribute to torque generation at the motor and flows to the
The frequency converter output can be equipped with an electrical filter to eliminates high-frequency harmonics and levels out voltage peaks.
The electromagnetic compatibility (EMC) require- ments according to EN 61800-3 are fulfilled by a double shielding of special aluminium foil and an optimised braided shield of tinned copper wire with a high degree of coverage (approx. 80%). The special suitability in the frequency range from 30 to 1,000 MHz is easily demonstrated using com- parative measurements of the radiated electromag- netic noise from unshielded power supply cables and shielded EMC power supply cables. For the low frequency range of 1 MHz up to 30 MHz the high interference protection is shown by the extremely low coupling resistance of the shielded cables.
EMC tests on motor supply cables
The results of the interference level measure- ments show clearly that the motor supply cable with an optimal shield did not exceed the limit values for interference field strength according to EN 61 800-3. Moreover, the interference field strengths of the unshielded cable are significantly above the limit values for industrial and residential areas, especially at low frequencies.
Electricity + Control
JUNE 2018
The frequency converter output can also be equipped with an electrical filter which filters out the high-frequency harmonics and levels out the voltage peaks. Impedance matched cables Due to the low dielectric constant of the special conductor insulation the TOPFLEX ® - EMV and the TOPFLEX ® MOTOR-EMV have a lower operating and shield capacitance than traditional PVC-insulat- ed motor supply cables. As a result the capacitance disturbance currents are considerably reduced, enabling low-loss power transmission from the converter to the motor. Moreover, the high quali- ty of the cable insulation provides a long service life. These characteristics are further improved by a symmetrical cable structure with three balanced power conductors and a ground conductor which is divided into thirds (3 + 3 - conductor design) in the cable types TOPFLEX ® -EMV 3 PLUS and TOP- FLEX ® MOTOR-EMV 3/3 cables. This results in an additional optimization of the power transmission from the frequency converter to the motor.
Results from measurements of the Cou- pling Resistance Rk (Ohm/km)
Cable type: TOPLEX®-EMV 2YSLCY J 0.6/1kV Manufacturer: HELUKABEL® GmbH
In the low frequency range between 1 MHz and 30 MHz a low coupling resistance was measured, resulting in low interference field strength in the surrounding area.
No. conductors x cross-sec. (mm 2 ) 1 MHz Ohm/km 30 MHz Ohm/km 4 x 2.5 (AWG 14) 18 210 4 x 4 (AWG 12) 11 210 4 x 6 (AWG 10) 6 150 4 x 10 (AWG 8) 7 180 4 x 16 (AWG 6) 9 190 4 x 25 (AWG 4) 4 95 4 x 35 (AWG 2) 3 85 4 x 50 (AWG 1) 2 40 4 x 70 (AWG 2/0) 2 45 4 x 95 (AWG 3/0) 1 50
The conductor insulation of TOPFLEX ® -EMV and TOPFLEX ® MOTOR-EMV cables consists of elec- trically high-quality materials based on polyethyl- ene (PE). The special insulation is designed for the permanent voltage peaks of the converter's nom- inal voltage. Nominal voltage: Uo = 600 V Max. permissible operating voltage: Ub = 1200 V
Enquiries: Tel. +27 (0) 11 462 8752 Email sales@helukabel.co.za
6 Electricity + Control
JUNE 2018
round up
300 kHz to 200 MHz antenna and cable analyser Bird Technologies, a leading provider of RF components, subsystems, test equipment and services represented locally by COMTEST Solutions offers the SiteHawk SK-200-TC, a hand- held antenna and cable analyser that operates between 300 kHz and 200 MHz. The instru- ment simplifies detection of problems in coaxial transmission lines and antenna systems, and pinpoints their source using distance-to-fault measurements. The SiteHawk SK-200-TC provides all of the measurement capabilities required to evaluate the performance of a communication system’s transmission path, and has the same features as its higher-frequency counterpart, Bird’s SiteHawk SK-4000-TC, which operates over a fre- quency range of 85 MHz to 4000 MHz. The SiteHawk SK-200-TC is a rugged, compact instru- ment, measuring only 18.2 x 9.6 x 4.8 cm and weighing 900 g. It has an intuitive user interface displayed on its high-resolution TFT LCD colour display that is readable in bright sunlight, and has 16 Gb of internal flash memory for storing thousands of traces and measurement setups. The distance-to-fault measurement indicates VSWR or return loss at various points from the beginning of the transmission line all the way to the antenna and identifies the location of a problem with high resolution. The cable loss function measures insertion loss of the trans- mission line over a given frequency range.
The instrument makes fast swept measure- ments at up to 0.25 ms per data point of return loss and cable loss as well as VSWR and distance to fault and allows users to set trace capture using 51, 101, 201, 401, 801, 1601 or 3201 data points per sweep. Both X and Y scales as well as meas- urement units can be changed by the user as can a pass-fail limit with visual indicator for quick ‘go/no- go’ indications. There are six user-selectable mark- ers for direct or difference measurements that can be referenced to the limit line or a recalled trace. A measurement-hold feature also allows a trace to be stored temporarily for analysis. Enquiries: Email online@comtest.co.za
New generation coaxial cable for uv-cured lining systems with its drum reeling New Generation Coaxial Cable 4 HRADIL Spezialkabel GmbH in Bi- etigheim, Germany presents the first robot cable for UV-cured lining systems with two coaxial cables. This has the advantage that two camera systems can now be installed on UV-curing trains, each of which can perform different tasks as front or reverse cameras, for example. While one camera monitors the curing process the other one inspects the results and logs them. Overall, contractors specialising in sewer rehabilitation and civil engineering compa- nies benefit from a significantly faster execution of work. HRADIL’s New Generation Coaxial
Cable permits the use of two sep- arate power supplies with 300 and 24 volts. The highly abrasion-resist- ant 44-wire cable was designed to withstand the extreme mechanical and chemical stress of sewer work. The HRADIL cable can take tensile stresses exceeding 5 000 N in a temperature range from -50°C to +90°C without batting an eyelid. The 'New Generation Coaxial Cable 4.0' can be delivered at short notice. Enquiries: Visit www.hradil.de
Electricity + Control
JUNE 2018
round up
Cable guidance in confined spaces
expanded the E2.1 product range with three new inner height sizes of 2.6, 3.8 and 4.8 cm. Due to the smooth contours, the interior of the e-chains is very cable-friendly, offering up to 0.3 cm greater inner height. Separators with rounded edges are offered to extend the service life of hoses and cables even more. An integrated grid marking is also provided on the crossbars for precise mounting of the separators. Highly flexible chainflex cables for compact installation space Chainflex cables and energy chains from igus make for a perfect fit, as chainflex cables are specifically designed for use in energy chains. The chainflex CFBUS.LB.060 Profinet cable allows data to be transmitted in the tightest of spaces with a bend radius of just 7.5 x d. All chainflex cables are tested in the igus in-house laborato- ry, which allows igus to be the only manufacturer on the market to offer a 36-month guarantee on its cables. Readychain is a complete system, comprising an e-chain and cables, and is available for cus- tomers to immediately start using in application. Enquiries:Tel. +27 (0) 11 312 1848 or visit www.igus.co.za
A safe energy supply with highly dynamic cable travel is particularly important for machines with confined spaces. Therefore, igus has developed the small-sized E2.10 energy chain from the E2.1 se- ries. The e-chain has an inner height of only one centimetre and an outer height of one and a half centimetres, making it ideal for the smallest of spaces. Like all links from the E2.1 product range, the chain links consist of only one bottom and side part, as well as one crossbar. The e-chain can be easily opened from both the top and the side with a screw driver. The opening mechanism is included in each initial order, which allows the chain to be opened quickly and closed by hand after the cables have been fitted. Products from the E2.1 series also have a durable stop-dog for up to 25 % greater unsupported length, 100 % higher fill weight and 10 % less overall weight than its e-chain counterparts. The ‘brake’ on the stop-dog of the links enables quiet-running properties, making the e-chain suit- able in numerous applications, including automatic doors, vehicles or medical furniture. Cable-friendly design, quick and easy assembly To accommodate an even greater variety of applications, igus has
The next generation of cable reel
The e-spool is also more modular and adaptable than conventional systems. In conventional systems, a slip ring or rotary feedthrough is an integral part of the cable reel, and is designed to accommo- date a specific number of conductors of a specific size. If the cus- tomer’s electrical requirements change, and additional capacity is required, the entire cable reel must be replaced with one that con- tains a higher capacity slip ring. With the e-spool, if the electrical requirements change, the cable management system can remain in place and only the ca- ble must be changed. Cables are installed by simply opening the crossbars and laying the cables in to the two cable carriers.
igus ® created the e-spool as a replacement for traditional cable reels and zigzag systems. The solution was designed so that it would successfully eliminate issues that these other systems of- ten cause. In traditional cable reels, a cable is run from the source (panel box, PLC, etc.) to the fixed point of a slip ring. A second ca- ble is then run from the rotational point of a slip ring to the end ef- fector (lighting truss, assembly tool, etc.) This requires two lengths of cable, with four ends to be terminated. More terminations mean more installation labour and more points of potential failure. In an e-spool, a single continuous cable is run from the source to the end effector without any intermediate terminations, improving the quality of the electrical signal and minimising the risk of failure. The e-spool is designed to be much more versatile in what types of energy it can carry. In traditional cable reels, only one cable can be used per reel. Traditional solutions also require different types of reels for different energy sources, which have different form fac- tors and must be purchased from multiple different suppliers. Since the e-spool does not contain a specialised slip ring or rotary feed through, multiple energy supply lines of multiple different types (power, control, data, pneumatic) can be guided in a single system.
The e-spool’s design is optimised for extended service life. It is expected to achieve between 70 000 and 200 000 strokes, depending on the application, while traditional cable reels often re- quire service at a lesser number of cy- cles. Enquiries: Email sales@igus.com
8 Electricity + Control
JUNE 2018
round up
Customised complete turnkey systems
To remain competitive, companies have to continuously increase their efficiency. This is one of the main reasons for the trend towards modular complete systems in me- chanical engineering and plant engineering. KABELSCHLEPP Metool offers the TOTAL- TRAX concept as a turnkey solution with perfectly coordinated components. As a specialist for drag chains, KA- BELSCHLEPP Metool has been a reliable partner for many decades when it comes to turnkey complete systems. Thousands of TOTALTRAX systems are in use worldwide. From simply configured drag chains to highly complex systems, KABELSCHLEPP Metool offers assemblies for virtually any area of application, ready for installation. Optimised manufacturing processes and coordinated provision of the correct compo- nents guarantee fast turnaround times and save you time and money, no matter how simple or complex the system is. For large batches, KABELSCHLEPP Metool can set up customer-specific production lines on re- Taymer has taken the cable length meas- urement meter technology developed for hot foil cable printers and wire mark- ing machines, and developed dedicated wire measuring counter and cable length measurement machinery and wire length measuring devices, including turnkey cut- to-length systems. Taymer’s high accuracy in cable length measurement meters is critical to custom- er satisfaction and understanding of costs. These cable length measurement meter solutions include cut to length systems for heavy cable, as well as small gauge wire length measurement. Taymer also provides respooling equip- ment for automated cable length measure- ment payoff and take-up of cut-to-length cable measurement. Included in these sys-
quest. The experts configure and manufac- ture economically viable individual solutions from a batch size of just one. High-quality individual components make the complete systems resistant and durable. Regular quality checks additionally ensure consist- ently superior quality. The drag chain is delivered just-in-time and ready for installation, directly to the production facility or to the desired installa- tion site ― transported securely in single-use or reusable packaging. The user installs the cable carrier system onto their machine or system as a complete assembly and attach- es the cable and hose connections ― ‘plug & play’ efficiency. The comprehensive design competence at KABELSCHLEPP Metool al- lows individual consultation for users, sav- ing time and effort. The advantages of the TOTALTRAX complete systems at a glance: • Complete delivery from one source • One contact for the complete system • No storage costs • Reduced procurement costs by concen- tems is a dedicated velocity indicator and a cable length measurement count indicator. Taymer’s hot foil printing technology is ideal for bright, clear, high quality cable marking on tough to mark on surfaces like cross-linked polyethylene, nylon and Teflon. Hot foil printing is a very durable method of cable marking, well suited for outside plant cable marking. HF 600 Hot Foil Printer The Taymer HF 600 Hot Foil Printer is de- signed specifically for printing in meters. A built in microprocessor controls all aspects of the marking process and adjusts the ma- chine to suit the changing conditions and speeds of the production line. Clear durable legends are produced at speeds up to 150 metres per minute. The ease of operation and
trating on one supplier • Reduced effort for goods incoming in- spections • Just-in-time delivery directly to the pro- duction facility • Shorter downtimes through plug & play installation Enquiries: For more information visit www.tsubaki-kabelschlepp.com
Fully configured drag chain systems
Cut-to-length system for hot foil printing
These standard features and more make the Taymer HF600 Hot Foil Printer a new generation in wire and cable printing. Features • High accuracy sequential marking in meters • Length adjustments in increments of ± .001 • Dual tape spools and accumulators eliminate tape splicing • Microcomputer controlled adjustments reduce the need for operator interven- tion • Adjustable guide rollers prevent dam- age to cables • Casters for easy movement in and out of the line • Rugged, heavy duty construction for the production environment J-PAK, specialist suppliers of quality pro- duction line equipment, are proud distribu- tors ofTaymer products within South Africa. Enquiries:Tel. +27 (0) 11 825 0300 or Email sales@jpak.co.za
setup reduces scrap, produc- tion delays and the risk of dam- age to delicate communication and fibre optic cables. A dual tape spool and tape accumula- tor system eliminates print in- terruptions.
Electricity + Control
JUNE 2018
Integrated drive technology for optimised machine design
Andreas Golf, Beckhoff Automation
The AMP8000 distributed servo drive system provides ideal support for the implemen- tation of modular machine designs. For this purpose, a servo drive has been directly integrated into a servomotor, all in a highly compact design.
I n this way, the power electronics are relocated to the machine, reducing space requirements in control cabinets to just a single coupling mod- ule. In addition, decentralised distribution modules and the universal EtherCAT P solution further opti- mise the modular machine design approach. The AMP8000 system consists of three main components: a single-channel or alternately du- al-channel coupling module that forms the start- ing point, and the only component that still needs to be installed in the control cabinet. The cou- pling module establishes a connection between the DC link, 24 V DC supply and EtherCAT com- munication. For use with the high-performance AX8000 multi-axis servo system from Beckhoff, the AX883x coupling module is connected to the AX8000 supply module in order to provide a link to the IP 65-rated devices with one or two outputs. In combination with the AX5000 Digital Compact servo drive, the AX503x coupling module can also be used in stand-alone mode due to an integrated power supply unit. In this way, 20 A (per output in the case of the AX883x and as sum current in
the case of the AX503x), 600 V DC link voltage, 24 V power supply and EtherCAT networking are available via the EtherCAT P outputs (B23 sockets). This power is initially supplied to an AMP8805 distribution module as a second system compo- nent. As an IP 65-rated component that is integrat- ed into the machine layout, it supplies up to five AMP80xx distributed servo drives. It can be mount- ed either directly ('brick style') or using a bracket available as an accessory ('book style') and adapted ideally into individual machine designs. The distribu- tion module has an internal capacitance of 1120 µF to support the DC link. Additional EtherCAT P Box modules, such as for I/Os or for a second feedback system, can be connected simply and quickly via an additional EtherCAT P M8 output. The third system component is the AMP80xx distributed servo drive. It is identical to the stand- ard servomotors in the AM8000 series with regard to its mounting dimensions and performance data. Only the overall length has increased compared to the standard motors due to the integrated power electronics. Since this added length is not usually
The distributed servo drive system consist of three main components. A single- or dual-channel coupling module. An AMP8805 distribu- tion module. The AMP80xx distribut- ed servo drive Take Note! 1 2 3
Ideal for implementing modular machine designs with easily installed extension modules.
The AMP8000 system is highly modular and cascadable.
10 Electricity + Control
JUNE 2018
critical for the installation, most existing machine designs can be upgraded modification. The AM- P80xx distributed servo drives are initially available in the flange sizes F4 and F5. Various versions are available with rated outputs of 0.61 to 1.18 kW and standstill torques of 2.0 to 4.8 Nm (F4) or rated out- puts of 1.02 to 1.78 kW and standstill torques of 4.1 to 9.7 Nm (F5). The STO and SS1 safety functions are integrated as standard and a range of extended safe motion functions are currently being prepared. In addition, the new flange sizes F3 and F6 are in development and will complement the AMP8000 distributed drive system in the lower and higher power ranges. The components in the AMP8000 system are uni- versally connected with the uniform One Cable Automation (OCA) cabling technology, which con- nects via identical cross-sections and connectors. This is a dynamic, drag-chain compatible EtherCAT P cable with ECP-B23 connectors, which means the one cable solution features a hybrid cable that combines EtherCAT P (communication plus 24 V system and peripheral voltage) with additional power cores. Moreover, preassembled cables and connectors facilitate easy installation and mini- mise errors during cabling. The AMP8000 system is also cascadable via the distribution module, meaning even highly com- plex machines and plants can have a simple and clear-cut topology layout. For this purpose, one or several additional distribution modules are con- nected to one of the module outputs in place of a distributed servo drive. For example, one main distribution module can supply five sub-modules, Universal cabling and cascadable instal- lation via EtherCAT
to which a maximum of 25 distributed servo drives can be connected, assuming an adequate supply of power to the individual motors is provided. Compact drive integration in optimised design With the AMP80xx, the integration of drive tech- nology has been implemented in an exceptionally compact design, made possible through the use of the latest output stage technologies. The power module is attached at the rear end of the servomo- tor shaft, ensuring that the attachment dimensions are identical to those of the corresponding stand- ard servomotors in the AM8000 series. Only the overall length is about seven centimetres longer. For machine builders, this means only a small amount of additional space is required, making it possible to change the drive concepts without any fundamental design modifications. Apart from the small overall volume, the ele- gant and slim design of the AMP80xx offers fur- ther advantages over certain servo motors com- monly encountered on the market, where the power electronics are mounted on top. With the AMP8000, the two dissipated heat sources – mo- tor and power electronics – are clearly separated from each other and ensure much better heat dis- sipation by design, without the need for additional installation space or heat sinks. As a result, the distributed servo drives easily attain the same ex- cellent properties as the corresponding standard AM8000 servomotors from Beckhoff. The power electronics are integrated at the rear end of the motor shaft, ensuring that the attachment dimensions of the servomotor remain unchanged.
Even highly complex machines and
plants can have a simple and clear- cut topology.
Author: Andreas Golf is the Product Manager Drive Technology at Beckhoff Automation Email info@beckhoff.com
Acknowledgements Images: Images courtesy of Beckhoff Automation
The AMP80xx distributed servo drives were presented for the first time at the SPS IPC Drives trade show in 2017 – initially in flange sizes F4 and F5.
The comparison of a conventional set-up with all drive electronics housed in a control cabinet (shown above) with the layout of the AMP8000 system (shown below) illustrates the benefits of simpler, more cost-effective cabling and reduced control cabinet space.
Electricity + Control
JUNE 2018
Information provided by Endress+Hauser Master mining with IIoT
Take Note!
Data integration has to be aligned along three axes; Horizontally along the value creation chain. Vertically from the field to the control level. Fromplanning tomainte- nance to ensure consist- ent engineering. 1 2 3
The mining industry faces numerous challenges with regards to efficiency, safety and environmental protection. The question is whether or not ‘big data’ can help mining companies master these challenges.
Integration as a first step If you think about it, data is already produced in abundance within a mining operation: process in- formation from the field, inventory values, plant status and market prices to name just a few. The challenge is most of this data is stored and visi- ble in different systems and platforms. So the first step towards IIoT has to be the integration of this data to open up its real potential. Integration has to be aligned along three axes: horizontally along the value creation chain, vertically from the field to the control level and thirdly from planning to main- tenance to ensure consistent engineering. With expert assistance companies can boldly take this first step. Let’s look at the first axis. An exact fore-
cast of consumption based on current inventory values and planned material movements is the key to reducing warehouse stocks and improving the delivery service. Reliable measurement technolo- gy is the basis for this. Endress+Hauser provides a complete range of measurement technology for data communication. Most available fieldbus technologies can plug directly into the smart measurement sensor: in addition the local data transmission unit, Fieldgate, with integrated web server, allows for global data acquisition via private and public communication networks. A standard internet browser is sufficient for enquiring inventory data. Fieldgate not only pro- vides current measured values, but also offers the possibility of monitoring device stations, requesting information and sending data directly to a super- ordinate inventory management software system such as SupplyCare. SupplyCare offers convenient access to the current fill levels in tanks and silos from the comfort of your desk, and offers extensive
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functions for inventory management. With the in- tegrated email function, you can request supplies quickly and easily and with the analysis module, you can also calculate and evaluate Key Performance In- dicators (KPIs). Full control of your basic processes When it comes to vertical integration, intelligent networking between subsystems of the mine pro- cess, from the ERP system to operating and control level and on to field level, is essential for optimised functionality and best efficiency of the digital mine. The reality today is often less than streamlined or smooth operation. It is characterised by closed sys- tem silos, missing interfaces and many manual data transfers and thus potential error sources. These decoupled system silos can be connected to form an elegant overall system with a continuous data flow thanks to the BPI concept (Business Process Integration). BPI acts as middleware beneath the sub-systems and thus forms a shared platform for data exchange between these systems. This is not just limited to the IT world. By using Industrial Ethernet at field and con- trol level, automation components can also be integrated into the overall system. Digital com- munication, for example, enables advanced meas- urement sensor diagnostics which can form the basis of effective process condition monitoring and preventative maintenance measures or cali- bration requests which can be triggered in the ERP system. Many of Endress+Hauser’s smart meas- urement sensors can be used to monitor process condition and verify measurement integrity. Sim- ply look for the Heartbeat Technology™ logo. Sev- eral examples of Heartbeat Technology™ benefits are already used in the concentration processes in many copper and gold mines. For example, in froth flotation tanks: a Promass 100 Coriolis flow- meter will schedule a flocculant batch remix by measuring changes in the medium chemistry. The aim is to produce process optimisation and stabil- ity using a combination of smart sensors which monitor their own performance, indicate process anomalies and tell maintenance when things need cleaning or recalibrating. Big Data made easy Last but not least, in order to get close to this goal of maximum process efficiency at the low-
est possible cost, intuitive and reliable process asset manage- ment is crucial. Endress+Hauser offer Big Data asset management software which is manufacturer neu- tral. The cloud-based asset management toolbox, W@M, has proven beneficial to man- agement, maintenance, process engineers and metallurgists in generating plant wide process improvements and providing relevant and reliable data on process performance. A simple example is a ten percent proven increase in heap leach and stripping performance in a copper mine when they use W@M's powerful measurement performance capability to monitor variations in performance of critical measurement parameters such as acid usage, PLS output, organic to aqueous stripping rates against pipeline breakage, filter rupture or other process imbalance. So in short, what does software give us that is 'Industry 4.0' or 'IoT' ready? • Quick, visual and targeted access to the right data at the exact time, when it is needed • Easy to download cloud-based tools – Opera- tions apps for mobile smartphones and tablets • Wireless and wired connectivity to smart sen- sors and other process equipment for diagnos- tics, verification and condition monitoring “A lot of our customers are sometimes surprised, that for the first implementation of Industry 4.0 they don’t have to completely revamp their whole operation. But this so-called fourth Industrial Rev- olution is more a gradual evolution than a big bang revolution,” explains Susan Buitendag, Industry Manager at Endress+Hauser. “We are an innova- tive company, and our R&D engineers take great pride in being ahead of the game in smart sensor development, meaning that the first step towards Industry 4.0 and the 'digital mine' will be a small one for our customers.”
Most available fieldbus technologies can plug directly
into the smart measurement sensor.
Dhiren Naidoo, Industry Manager, Primaries & Metal, Endress+Hauser Email dhiren.naidoo@za.endress.com
Electricity + Control
JUNE 2018
Using excess gain to choose a sensor
‘Moderately dirty’ environments can be found in heavy industry, food processing, or the automotive industry. For such envi- ronments, Banner recommends an excess gain 10 times more than what is minimally required. Very dirty – 50x EG Some environments like those found in foundries, mining operations, tile ovens, and outdoors are considered ‘very dirty.” This is because lenses and retroreflectors become heavily contaminated and are subject to minimal cleaning. There may be heavy fog, mist, dust, smoke, or oil film in the environ- ment. Banner recommends 50 times more excess gain in these types of environments. Enquiries: BrandonTopham. Email Brandon.topham@retautoma- tion.com
Excess gain is a measure of the minimum light energy needed for reliable sensor op- eration. The light signal that a sensor emits is factory-calibrated to a certain level of performance. However, contaminants in the sensing environment such as dirt, dust, smoke, and moisture, can cause signal at- tenuation. Excess gain may be seen as the extra sensing energy available to overcome this attenuation. Excess gain can be expressed as the fol- lowing formula. Excess gain = light energy falling on receiv- er element / sensor’s amplifier threshold. The threshold is the level of sensing energy required by the sensor's amplifier to cause the sensor's output to switch on or off. Important assumptions There are a few assumptions about using ex- cess gain to optimise the sensing function in an application. Use as high an excess gain setting as possible, without compromising target detection. In most sensing situations, excess gain correlates directly to sensing reliability. How to use excess gain to choose the proper sensor technology If the general conditions of a sensing area are known, the excess gain levels that fol- low may be used as guidelines for assuring
that the sensor’s light energy will not be entirely lost to attenuation. These guidelines include a safety factor for subtle sensing variables such as gradual sensor misalignment and small changes in the sensing environment. Clean air - 1.5x EG For a perfectly clean operating environment, an excess gain of 1.5x (50 % more energy than the minimum needed for operation) is suggested. Some environments that have ‘clean air’ include those found in the sem- iconductor or pharmaceutical industries. In these environments, no dirt builds up on the sensor lenses or retroreflectors. Slightly dirty - 5x EG An office or a clean factory might be char- acterised as a ‘slightly dirty’ environment. This means sensor lenses or retroreflec- tors may experience a slight build-up of dust, dirt, oil, or moisture. Lenses are cleaned on a regular schedule. In a ‘slightly dirty’ environment, the excess gain should be five times more than what is minimally
required for sensor operation. Moderately dirty – 10x EG
In a ‘moderately dirty’ environment, obvi- ous contamination can be seen on lenses or retroreflectors. These environments are also likely to have periodic wash-downs.
EcoStruxure for Industry
As the leader in powering and digitising industry, Schneider Electric is uniquely positioned to drive the digital transformation of today’s growing industrial automation markets and assist industrial customers in their conversions. Significant changes are funda- mentally accelerating this movement in the industrial space.
ment, and that figure is expected to grow by 25% year-on-year for the foreseeable future. This figure ties in with Accenture’s recent report, citing that at present, 64% of executives believe that a fail- ure to leverage digital will cause their companies to struggle for survival,” says Marc Ramsay, Vice President for the Industry Busi- ness Unit, Schneider Electric South Africa. Strengthening their commitment to digitising industry, Schnei- der Electric also unveiled EcoStruxure Machine Advisor during a presentation at Hannover Messe, 2018. EcoStruxure Machine Ad- visor now make it possible to track, monitor and fix machines in the field while reducing support costs by 30 to 50%. “Where managers struggle to track the history of the many ma- chines that fall under their scope of responsibility, or when parts need replacing, production is interrupted, and the downtimes are much too long. Maintenance technicians often spend far too much time attempting to locate different sets of documentation before they can begin productive work on fixing the machine. Schneider Electric’s recent breakthrough with this new technology is now di- rectly addressing these challenges by providing new ways of both gathering, centralising and displaying machine-generated data.” Enquiries: Zanelle Dalglish.Tel. +27 (0) 11 254 6400 or email zanelle.dalglish@schneider-electric.com
“With EcoStruxure for Industry, Schneider Electric offers a truly unified engineering approach that can be deployed across multi- ple industrial segments. Leveraging our unique partnership with AVEVA, we can offer an unmatched set of solutions covering all aspects of digital asset management from process simulation to design, construction and manufacturing operations management and optimisation,” Ramsay said. Schneider Electric’s EcoStruxure for Industry offers open, interop- erable, IoT-enabled system architecture and platform, where users benefit from enhanced value around safety, reliability, efficiency, sus- tainability, and connectivity. Leveraging all advancements in IoT, in- cluding mobility, sensing, cloud, analytics, and cyber security through connected products - Edge Control, Apps, Analytics and Services, EcoStruxure has been deployed in over 480,000 sites worldwide. “With the support of 20,000 system integrators and develop- ers, EcoStruxure currently has 1.6 million assets under manage-
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round up
Access guarding at freezing temperatures Access guarding in refrigerated applications can pose challeng- es if the sensing solution selected is not fit-for-purpose. Factors such as temperature range and ambient temperature need to be taken into account. Countapulse Controls, the official distributor of Leuze sens- ing solution, offers a safety light curtain specifically engineered to cope with low temperature ranges. The Leuze MLC 500 series safety light curtain is particularly suited for use in refrigerated areas including cold storage facili- ties where ambient temperatures can be as low as - 30°C. The safety light curtains’ design is robust and compact making it suit- able for installation in confined areas and those where forklifts or wheeled materials handling equipment is being used. When coupled with Leuze’s Smart Process Gating technolo- gy, this safety light curtain offers a reliable system design which completely eliminates the need for signalling sensors. This makes the access guarding system simpler not only to install but also to operate, and costs associated with maintenance and servicing are also reduced. Configuration and installation of the Leuze MLC safety light curtains is easy and can be done without PC. Models are avail- able with resolutions from 14 to 90 mm and protective field lengths from 300 mm to 3 000 mm. Countapulse Controls is able to offer a wide range of sensing solutions for a number of applications not only within the food and beverage sector, but across a wide spectrum of industries. Enquiries: Gerry Bryant. Email bryant@countapulse.co.za
‘Plug-and-Cloud’ with the IoT Bus Coupler
The EK9160 IoT Bus Coupler transmits all control data simply, safely and cost-effectively to all common cloud systems in plug-and-play mode. Neither a controller nor programming is required through the implementation as a Bus Coupler-based solution. Simple configuration is all that is necessary for the I/O terminals, cloud services and security functions used. The EK9160 establishes a direct connection without any special control program between Beckhoff EtherCAT I/O and the Internet of Things (IoT). As a result, the coupler enables simple and standardised integration of I/O data with cloud-based communication and data services. Via an integrated web server, the I/O data can be pa- rameterised, such as in data processing and timing, through a simple configuration dialog. No special engineering tools are needed. The EK9160 IoT Bus Coupler then autonomously transmits the data, in- cluding time stamp, to the cloud service. Apart from that, extended mechanisms are available, including local buffer- ing of I/O data on a microSD card (2 GB) to protect against data loss when the Internet connection is interrupted. The cloud services and security functions (encryption, firewall) can be configured via the web server in the same convenient way. For data communication, the IoT Bus Coupler uses the publisher/subscriber communication principle. As a publisher, the EK9160 sends data to the cloud, en- abling other applications to access the information as a subscriber. This application can then publish data itself if re- quired, which in turn can be accessed by the IoT Bus Coupler. The devices do not need to ‘know’ each oth- er or individual IP addresses, rather only the central message broker, so the individual applications oper- ate in “decoupled” mode. Moreover, communication for both the publisher and subscriber is always active and directed external- ly. Both of these factors mean that the firewall config- uration and setup in the IT infrastructure of a company are simplified considerably. In conjunction with the industry-leading portfolio of EtherCAT I/O Terminals offered by Beckhoff, the EK9160 can be used to transmit the widest range of machine and building data types to the cloud, such as temperature, pressure, vibration or energy consump- tion. Added to this is the possibility to monitor connect- ed fieldbuses. The I/O signals can not only be collect- ed via EtherCAT, but also via the monitor operating mode of CANopen or PROFIBUS Terminals, for analy- sis by external specialists. Enquiries: Email info@beckhoff.co.za
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