Electricity + Control March 2015
Small-scale barrel sensors - ideal for tight spaces
The EH04K is available in two metres of pot- ted cable, while the EG05K is available in two metres of potted cable or with an integral M8 connector.The sensors are IP67 rated, have an operating temperature range from -25 °C to 70 °C, and offer PNP and NPN configura- tions for increased application flexibility. Enquiries: RET Automation Controls.Tel. 011 453 2468.Visit www.retautomation.com
TURCK has added new 4 mm and 5 mm bar- rel sensors to its existing line-up. EG05K and EH04K are 15 mm shorter than the standard EG05 and EH04, which allow the new offer- ings to be used in applications previously not possible. These more compact sensors will benefit the stamping industry, medical device manufacturing and any application where small sensors are a requirement. The EG05K and EH04K are housed in a stainless steel barrel and come with a high flexTPU cable that can withstand harsh appli- cations, including those involving corrosive chemicals. Offering a 1 mm sensing range and full flush mounting, the EG05K and
EH04K reduce the chance of damage while still offering the sensing range demanded. The EG05K and EH04K come equipped with a high visibility LED to provide users a visual indication of the sensor’s status. "We created the EG05K and EH04K in response to hearing customers request a solution that met the increasingly compact requirements brought on by the shrinking size of machinery," explained John Murphy, product manager for TURCK. "These new additions provide our customers with the shortest M4 and M5 sensors on the market while retaining the robust qualities our cus- tomers expect fromTURCK."
Increased colocation management capabilities
Schneider Electric has introduced StruxureWare Data Centre Opera- tion v7.4, which provides new capabilities, allowing companies to strike the right balance between high availability and peak efficiency throughout the data centre life cycle. As part of Schneider Electric’s data centre infrastructure manage- ment (DCIM) solution, StruxureWare for Data Centres, StruxureWare Data Centre Operation v7.4 will optimise colocation management, power monitoring and network management, helping data centre and facility managers free up power capacity, right-size physical infrastructure and integrate with existing DCIM systems.This, in turn, allows them to reduce capital and operational expenses. The new version caters for specific DCIM solution requirements from the marketplace, particularly pertaining to data and actionable intelligence. “There is a great demand for accurate monitoring and measure- ment of colocation environments, as well as the need to reduce stranded capacity, right-size the data centre and make the most of existing DCIM systems for all types of data centres,” says Mate Mud- zimu, software solutions architect at Schneider Electric South Africa. A key feature to optimise colocation management includes paired receptacles to provide an overview of complete power redundancy at the cage or rack level.This allows facility and data centre managers
to simulate the impact of a failure and accurately display the failover load for each receptacle.
Enquiries: Ntombi Mhangwani.Tel. 011 254 6400 or email ntombi.mhangwani@schneider-electric.com
March ‘15 Electricity+Control
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