Electricity + Control March 2015
We’re Handing it to you on a silver platter!
The Pure BlackBox Hand-held Portable from Elspec and Impact Energy!
Features: Light weight, hand-held portable PQ recorder 256 Sample/Cycle IEC 61000-4-30
The Pure BlackBox is The Most Advanced & Affordable CLASS A Power Quality Analyzer embedded with Elspec’s Innovative PQZIP Technology. It is a plug in and play device, easy to use with Single Phase and 3-Phase options with no Threshold and Con guration Needed. Installation Mistakes like wrong phase order are xed in Post Processing. The Device has a Ride through super capacitor technology to continue recording on short supply interruptions.
Accompanied by FREE PQS5 software for Comprehensive Post Processing and PQ Analysis. JUST Drag and drop the recorded data for immediate analysis, PQ trending and reports. With the Pure BlackBox you can improve your equipment productivity & life, reduce your power use & costs & increase your company’s pro ts. The Intelligent Product Design makes it simple and easy to install and use In the Most affordable Way!
Configuration FREE Device Easy USB Connection to PC
PQZIP: Patented Compression Technology 1+Year Continuous Waveform Rec’ Installation Mistakes are recoverable 10,000 electrical parameters
recording on short supply interuptions. Accompanied by a FREE PQS5 software for Comprehensive Post Processing & PQ Analysis. It is a plug in and play device, easy to use wiyh a Single Phase and 3-Phase options with no Threshold & Con guration Needed. Installation Mistakes like wrong phase order are xed in Post Processing. The Devise has a Ride through super capacitors technology to continue
Suite 1, Heritage Park 51 Norfolk Terrace, We vill 3629 Telephone: 0861-357732 0861-ELSPEC email: elspec@impacten rgy.co.za
Designed by: Den Bromfield PIG
Made with FlippingBook