Electricity + Control March 2018


. Working Demo As part of our Sigfox Partnership and IoT digital transformation, the company has created an online working live demo to represent some partners' Sigfox devices. We are offering to build Sigfox objects free of charge for any partners wishing to use the Demo. All we need is the pay- load or API details and we will build it and add the device to the demo. This will al- low the partner network to freely demon- strate their hardware on the platform.We are happy to accommodate any Partners that want to display their products that can contribute towards building a Smart City demo as part of the initiative.The link must be opened in Internet Explorer sim- ply because we use the Microsoft Tech- nology called ClickOnce. In this demo you will be able to navigate to a map that contains sensors. Double-clicking on the sensor allows you to see more details about the measurements that are being analysed by the sensor. Applications An example that is displayed in the demo is Manhole status monitoring. Here are some of the reasons for man- holes to be monitored: • The unauthorised opening of the manholes • Reduction of theft of manhole covers • Monitoring of manholes covers opened or closed during maintenance • Detection of sewer overflow Using a sensor allows you to monitor and plan the maintenance of the manholes and the manhole covers and ensure that security-related issues such as theft are reduced or eliminated. In the live demo, it is possible to see if the manhole cover is open or closed. In a smart city, the tech- nician will be notified to assist with clos- ing the open manhole. The swimming pool sensor is also a useful sensor and is demonstrated on our online demo meas-

uring temperature, pH and ORP (Oxida- tion-Reduction Potential) running in a real swimming pool. These sensors may be controlled remotely and relay informa- tion regarding the swimming pool condi- tions. A complete pool water monitoring system typically includes a pH sensor, an ORP sensor, and a temperature sen- sor. A pH sensor specifically measures the hydrogen-ion activity in water-based solutions, indicating its acidity or alka- linity expressed as pH. The ORP sensor measures the ability of a solution to act as an oxidising or reducing agent and in the swimming pool, the ORP Sensor is used to measure the oxidising ability of chlorine. Software Platform Adroit as a software platform is currently in the process of being approved by Sig- fox. Once approved, it will be listed as a platform for all global partners to pur- chase. You can buy the platform outright or else pay as you go on a hosted solution, that you can edit and build your own vis- ualisation solution on.There are options to include the SCADA/HMI and Alarm Man- agement and the SCADA Intelligence for BI and Reporting product as well. Conclusion IIoT and Smart City projects are a new arena.Take caution to ensure success at each stage of planning an IIoT or Smart City project. A proof-of-concept driven phased approach is critical to try things out, change and modify selections all the way across the value chain prior to a large scale roll-out. Success breeds success and the value of rolling out a successful Smart City project using the company’s platform offers the lowest risk and highest potential opportunity for success which will lead to a leaner and more efficient city management and ultimately happier citizens.

Dave Wibberley is the Man- aging Director of Adroit Technologies. Enquiries: Tel. +27 (0) 11 658 8100 or

email info@adroit.co.za

Electricity + Control

MARCH 2018


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