Electricity + Control March 2021
The measurement experts for process control
C ritical measurement solutions for any process conditions are our speciality. Wherever measuring conditions are extreme and conventional measuring technologies fail, our non-contact radiometric systems are the answer. Simple, yet sophisticated principle Radiometric measurements are based on the principle of attenuation. The source emits gamma radiation that penetrates both the vessel and its contents, and is subsequently detected by the detector. If there is no material in the radiation path, the intensity of the radiation remains almost the same. However, if the radiation has to penetrate matter, it is attenuated. The attenuation increases with increasing density of the penetrated material. Since this principle applies to almost every radiometric measurement, it can be used to determine not only the density of the material in the vessel, but also its level, or to perform a limit switch task. Level measurement for industrial processes In the process industry, precise systems for level and level switch measurement are fundamental and make an important contribution to the safety and high quality of production and logistics processes. Level measurements for extreme process conditions can be done easily with the help of radiometric measurement technology. Invented by Berthold, this technology has been providing reliable measurements for more than 70 years. It is most often applied in the measurement of liquids and solids in process tanks, storage tanks or silos. However, there are areas where level measurements are not feasible or attainable with conventional measurement technology due to the extreme boundary conditions, or they are possible only with very high installation or maintenance costs. This is the case, for example, in environments with high pressures or high temperatures or with aggressive or abrasive media. Contactless and yet perfect Radiometric measurements are usually the last option considered for level measurement in process control, as the use of radiometry involves a certain amount of work, including regulatory approvals. However, with proper compliance with regulations, this technique offers many clear advantages. It provides highly reproducible and reliable measurements. The systems are characterised
by wear-free and maintenance-free operation, and they are easy to set up: only a single calibration is required during initial commissioning. The advantages extend over their lifetime in each application, starting with the simple installation, which also allows for easy retrofitting to existing vessels, in the smooth handling and operation, and through the systems’ long, reliable and safe use. With its diverse product portfolio, specialised knowledge, and 70 years of experience, Berthold develops suitable solutions together with its customers for new, unique process tasks in a wide variety of industries and applications. Berthold stands for expertise, quality and reliability. It offers its customers the most effective solutions on the market. MECOSA (Pty) Ltd is the sole business partner for Berthold in Southern Africa and has cooperated with Berthold for more than 30 years.
Based on the principle of attenuation, radiometric measurement tracks the intensity of radiation between the source and a detector.
For more information contact MECOSA. Tel: +27 (0)11 257 6100 e-mail: measure@mecosa.co.za Visit: www.mecosa.co.za or: www.berthold.com/pc
Electricity + Control MARCH 2021
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