Electricity + Control May 2018
round up
New vibration switch protects critical assets
As part of the recently introduced RC range of vibration sen- sors, R&C Instrumentation has launched a new compact vi- bration switch, designed to protect machinery against unex- pected shutdown and repair costs. The RC-429 automatically trips in the event of excessive vibration levels, allowing crit- ical systems to be shut down before damage can occur. The RC-429 is one of the most compact vibration switches on the market, enabling the continuous monitor- ing and protection of assets in tight spaces. It is designed to transmit a 4-20 mA signal, features an adjustable false trigger delay of up to one minute to prevent error trips, which may occur at machine start up, and is overload pro- tected to a maximum shock of 100 g. The RC-429, which features a MEMS (Micro-Electro-Mechanical System) ac- celerometer integrated onto the I.C. (Integrated Circuit) mi-
crochip, is exceptionally quick and simple to set up, with the maximum RMS velocity set point and response delay time easily adjustable using two rotating setup dials. It is sealed to IP67 and designed to perform reliably within a temperature range of -25 to +80ºC, making it ideal for use in a range of sectors, from building services, pulp and paper, mining, and metals, to utilities, automotive, water, and pharmaceutical. Minimising machine downtime and maintenance costs are essential for the productivity and profitability of manufac- turers. The RC-429 provides a simple, cost effective method of continuous monitoring for protecting motors, generators, engines, pumps and fans, ensuring greater machine availabil- ity and increased output. Enquiries:Tel. +27 (0) 86 111 4217 or email info@randci.co.za
Solexy RX antenna coupler In mining applications there is equipment used to transport product, people and sup- plies. There is also equipment that is used for excavating and removing material during tunnelling, and in the mining process of re- moving coal from the mine. By utilising the Solexy RX antenna coupler in combination with a radio installed in an Exd box on the equipment, the system will broadcast data regarding the machine’s engines critical data for predictive maintenance purposes. Some advantages: • It does not take up any space inside the housing • It allows the use of standard passive an- tennas The radios installed in the Exd enclosure must get the signal out of the explosion proof box.The Solexy RX antenna coupler provides an explosion proof connection and an intrinsi- cally safe barrier to insure there is no external spark ignition from the control enclosure. By using the Solexy heavy-duty flexible antenna (The Noodle) damage to an antenna is elim- inated. This helps to prevent machine break- down and blocking of the mineshaft. Enquiries: BrandonTopham. Email brandon.topham@retautomation.com • No seal gland is required • Shock resistant antenna
Muting reinvented Smart Process Gating, introduced by Leuze and available from Countapulse Controls, has made muting processes more economical as well as simpler and safer. Gerry Bryant, managing director of Countapulse Controls , explains that in intralogis- tics as well as in the automotive and packaging industries, material locks often need to be safeguarded against unauthorised access by means of safety sensors. Previously, muting processes with muting sensors were required to clearly identi- fy when transported goods were approaching a protective field. These muting sensors were then to bridge the passing of these goods through the protective field at the cor- rect moment. The Leuze Smart Process Gating method has completely eliminated the need for sig- nal-emitting sensors making this a far simpler and more reliable solution in these appli- sensing solution has eliminat- ed the risk of misalignment or damage to the sensors, and in addition because it is so simple to install there is a reduction in capital input costs. There is also a considerable reduction in maintenance and servicing requirements which also reduces costs. Increased reliability and sensing accuracy is a major advantage of the Leuze Smart Process Grating solution, and this will increase not only productivity but also safety in an operation. In the case of typical intralogistics applications, the height of the protective device is entirely dependent on the safety-related requirements and this sensing meth- odology does not require synchronisation beams to be taken into consideration, again saving on cost and increasing reliability. With the Leuze Smart Process Gating solution, the first muting signal comes from the process controller (PLC), while the second muting signal is generated by the pro- tective field itself. Smart Process Gating requires a detailed knowledge of the process so that the necessary control signals are made available in the expected time window. Enquiries: Gerry Bryant.Tel. +27 (0) 11 615 7556 or email bryant@countapulse.co.za cations. This solution is based on the Leuze MLC safety light curtains and this means that conveyor systems can be made more compact. This configuration of the
Electricity + Control
MAY 2018
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