Electricity + Control May 2018
Easy Way to Achieve the Optimum Control Panel Carolin Meuschel, Siemens
The focal issue with Integrated Control Panels is to leverage potential in control panel engineering and especially in their electrical design.
Take Note!
Those involved in the engineering and manu- facture of control panels have to deal with dead- line and cost pressure on a daily basis. Control cabinet design- ers and builders are being forced to become more efficient to as- sert themselves against global competition. In this context, digital- isation not only consti- tutes a challenge but also provides a great many opportunities.
W hat are the main concerns of designers and manufacturers of industrial control panels? What are the current challeng- es facing electrical designers? And how can we as a component manufacturer support our customers on their path to the perfect control panel? Siemens has been asking itself these questions and is now making a major addition to its industrial control panel portfolio with ‘Integrated Control Panels’. 'Integrated Control Panels' was presented to the general public for the first time at Hannover Messe 2017. The focal issue with these products is to leverage potential in control panel engineering and especially in their electrical design. One key factor here is the optimisation of the engineering process. Furthermore, those engaged in configur- ing control panels can rely on Siemens' practical know-how, for example when applying new stand- ards, guidelines and technologies in their day-to- day work. Drawing upon its extensive and coordi- nated product and system portfolio for industrial control panels, the technology company is able to put together a holistic support package for the specific challenges in control panel building. Considering the ubiquitous discussions on dig- italisation and Industrie 4.0, some of the issues that Siemens addresses with Integrated Control
Panels may seem rather unspectacular at first glance: heat rise verification, short-circuits and short-circuit strength or the starting of motors are some of the basics considered in designing control panels. However, these are also the questions that preoccupy the people on the shop floor every day. There are enough reasons why some aspects of configuration have become long-running issues. New technologies and functionalities in control panels repeatedly necessitate new solutions. At the same time, standards and guidelines are often amended, adjusted and regularly reissued. These amendments sometimes have a considerable im- pact on the engineering and construction of con- trol panels. In addition to national and international technical standards, the respective legislation and relevant guidelines also need to be considered. Just one example: could any panel builder have an- ticipated that the gradual increase in drive efficien- cy demanded by the EU since 2015 would have a direct impact on control equipment? Vast specialist knowledge of internation- al standardisation The experts from Integrated Control Panels keep a close eye on any developments concerning stand- ards and are therefore able to give timely notifi-
Figure 1: The Way. Siemens accompanies its customers on the path to the ideal control panel with a multitude of prod- ucts and services.
Figure 2: The Know-how. Comprehensive information directly from the device manufacturer – either in direct dialogue or in the form of training courses and printed documents – speeds up the overall engineering process.
16 Electricity + Control
MAY 2018
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