Electricity + Control May 2018
FEATURES: • Sensors, switches+ transducers • Analytical instrumentation • Cyber security • Drives,motors+ switchgear • Energymanagement+ environmental engineering • PowerQuality, standby+ back-up
Change in Electricity+Control
C hange, as they say, is not always easy. This month in Electricity+Control, I need to acknowledge a change. And that change is the retirement of our current ed- itor, Wendy Izgorsek. Wendy has been at the helm of the maga- zine for ten years. It has been an absolute privilege to work with her and to watch the magazine take on a fresh look, feel and vibe. I wish Wendy every happiness in her retirement, which – if I knowWendy – will not entail sipping tea on her veran- da, or at least not for long. Fiona Mosca is taking over Wendy’s posi- tion as editor of Electricity+Control. She has a degree in publishing, a diploma in public relations and communications, and 13 years’ experience in both print and digital publishing. We welcome Fiona to Crown Publications. Speaking of change, it seems to be in the air. It is impossible to see any items of news that do not speak to seismic devel- opments on this continent. Much of this is happening beyond the borders of South Africa – but change, I suspect, becomes a captivating theme. When we speak of change, the opportu- nity it brings should always override the fear that some may feel. My own sense, from interacting with many people from within our industry over the past month in a variety of forums, is that the dust seems to be settling, and the noise filtering is just beginning to work. That being the case, we need to reflect on the status of all infrastructure at our plants. Is it in order? Does it need refur- Wendy will take up a new challenge, in a new direction. And so it should be.
bishment? What should we be doing? Do we have the confidence to take action?
The truth of the matter is that much of the infrastructure in the public eye is in dire need of attention. This cannot be ignored … just driving around, one be- comes increasingly embarrassed by what one sees. Yet it seems there are also are- as within our control that are in a similar predicament. This implies the need to be decisive and to take decisive action – be- fore that infrastructure is in such a state of disrepair that it needs to be decommis- sioned. Such a situation can arise suddenly, and although it is often the topic of jokes and jibes, it can pose real risks to organisa- tions and their people. I continue to find it intriguing that, in some instances, a lack of proper maintenance results in health and safety risks, and yet no one seems to notice. All too often my engagement on matters is only after things have gone most horribly wrong. As we enter this time of change, we should reflect on where we are and what needs to be attended to ... and attend to it. Before we regret the delays.
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Magazine Team
Editor: Design & Layout: Advertising Managers:
Wendy Izgorsek Adél JvR Bothma Helen Couvaras Heidi Jandrell Karen Smith Karen Grant Wilhelm du Plessis Ian Jandrell
Circulation: Publisher: Deputy Publisher: Editorial Technical Director:
Quarter 4 (Oct - Dec 2017) Total print circulation: 4 563
Published monthly by:
Crown Publications cc Cnr Theunis and Sovereign Sts, Bedford Gardens PO Box 140, Bedfordview 2008 Tandym Print
Printed by:
Telephone: E-mail:
+27 (0) 11 622 4770 e-mail: ec@crown.co.za admin@crown.co.za www.crown.co.za
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