Electricity + Control May 2018
round up
In the first of FOUR tutorials, Johan Basson of JB Switchgear, advises:
Get the Control you need with Custom Control Panels
C ontrol panels are essentially the heartbeat of each and every machine, process or equip- ment in your industrial installation. When they are working properly, they make the running of your operations seamless and hassle-free. But if they have been badly designed, or they are not actually compatible with your processes, things can rapidly go wrong. Occasionally, larger scale or advanced opera- tions need more sophisticated programming than can be found with standard control panels. This is when a custom control panel really comes into its own, easily and safely satisfying the unique speci- fications of your particular application. Applications suited to custom control panels are often those that integrate multiple pieces of equipment or sys- tem processes into one unified solution. What is a Custom Control Panel? A custom control panel is a purpose-built solution that is made to order and individually engineered. It is built either as a complex or single source control solution, specifically to address customer challenges, such as facilitating the monitoring and operation of diverse operations or operating in haz- ardous locations. As with any custom-made product, a custom control panel gives you exactly what you need for your particular operation. Perhaps you need a
unique one-off. Or maybe you need a solution to managing complex controls where no two installa- tions can be exactly alike. It often happens with to- day’s modern machinery that you have a multitude of different panels tackling different operations throughout your plant. This is not only cumber- some and unproductive, it can also be expen- sive. Custom control panels are the perfect way to streamline your processes – without the high overhead expense associated with rigid, “batch” manufacturing. Are Custom Control Panels right for me? It all depends on your needs, the challenges you are currently facing with your existing control re- quirements, and how your business is set up. Be- fore deciding that this is the route you would like to take, ask the company you have tasked with making your custom control panels to conduct a project needs analysis. They will look at the elec- trical and environmental requirements, the opera- tor interface and the required functionality, among others, to accurately assess your needs. They also need to make sure the panels will be in the proper enclosure in relation to their environment. It may happen that you already know exactly what you need, and may even have a design and drawings ready. Most companies will still, how- ever, benefit from the perspective of an expert opinion. A professional company will be able to review your schematics relating to issues such as cost-mitigation, compliance, overall design, and manufacturing efficiency. JB Switchgear Solutions designs and manufac- tures custom control panels for indoor or outdoor applications. Our highly experienced team is ready to provide practical, cost-effective solutions to your needs. Our custom control panels – like all our products - carry national and international cer- tification for performance and safety. This is your assurance of a quality product that is both reliable and safe. If you would like to know more about how we can custom-design, manufacture and install your control panels, chat with us today.
Take Note!
A custom control panel is a purpose-built solution. It is made to order and individually engineered. Custom control panels are the perfect way to streamlineyourprocesses.
‘We can custom-design, manufacture and install your control panels – just give us a call!’
JB Switchgear Solutions is a leading man- ufacturer of a comprehensive range of electrical switchgear systems. Enquiries: Email johanb@jbswitchgear.co.za
28 Electricity + Control
MAY 2018
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