Electricity + Control May 2018
round up
Multi-function power meter RISH Master 3440 measures important elec- trical parameters and replaces the multiple analogue panel meters. Electrical parameters it measures include: ac current, Voltage, fre- quency, import and export active energy, Max Current Demand, Max kW Demand and Max kVA Demand. The instrument is able to import and export energy measurements such as Active energy (kWh), Reactive energy (kVArh), Apparent energy (kVAH) or Ampere Hour (kAH) measurements. It may be programmed as a limit switch and will trip the relays if the measured value ex- ceeds the set high or low limits. RISH Master 3440 can measure per phase Total Harmonic Distortion (THD) of voltage and current. It measures distorted waveforms up to the 15 th Harmonic. Every 40 seconds minimum and maximum values of voltage and current are stored. In case of power failure the last energy count is re- membered. Instrument settings can be config- ured locally via the front panel keys or remotely via MODBUS (RS485). Datacentrix , a provider of high performing and secure ICT solutions, has launched a new Back-up and Disaster Recov- ery-as-a-Service (DRaaS) offering, provid- ing affordable off-site cloud back-ups with the highest level of data protection and re- dundancy. This innovative offering is aimed at assisting local organisations with the management of unprecedented volumes of data, while safeguarding it from mali- cious attacks. Marius Redelinghuys, solution architect at Datacentrix explains that the new Da- tacentrix solution operates on the 3-2-1-0 premise – three copies of data stored in two different media repositories, with one off-site back-up copy and zero waiting time to restart operations. “What is key here, is that businesses could potentially have six copies of their data; they are able to back-up locally onsite while Datacentrix replicates the data to its cloud systems, with the option of additional replication to a ‘deep storage’ vault at Data- centrix (capable of five, seven and 10 year Enquiries: Rodrick Hendricks. Email rodrick@timecount.co.za
Purely analogue signal conditioning IMTRON , part of the GHM Group, has launched their Purely Analogue Signal Con- ditioning TSA modules that offer well-established methods for processing, filtering, amplifying and galvanically isolating sensor data in high quality. The modules can convert nearly any analogue sensor signal into standards signals that can then be processed, for instance, in a control unit for data acquisition. In order to prevent damage to the system and guarantee high signal quality, inputs and outputs are gal- vanically from each other and the supply voltage and signals are filtered. Some advantages offered by Purely Analogue Signal Conditioning TSA modules:
• Cost reduction: Signal condition and galvanically isolating amplifier in one device, a separator isolator is unnecessary • More signals: Optional second output for integration into PLCs, displays and end devices for data acquisition • High signal quality: Flexible interference suppression with replaceable filter modules • Velocity: Limit frequencies of up to 30 kHz • Precision: High precision and long-term stability • From a single provider: Modules available for most ana- logue sensor signals • Special requests: Tailored solutions possible, even in small quantities • Service-friendly: Plug-in connection terminals ensure easy installation and quick replacement • User-friendly • No software necessary – plug & play Enquiries: Jan Grobler.Tel. +27 (0) 11 902 0158 or email info@ghm-sa.co.za
Fast, highly secure back-up retrieval), as well as to traditional tape.”With the ability to start backing up offsite in less than two minutes, both the cloud BaaS and hosted BaaS options are highly available, flexible, allow for end-to-end data encryp- tion and disaster recovery, and provide se- cure offsite back-ups. “The new offering utilises the company’s Midrand and Samrand data centres, featur- ing redundant data links between the two facilities with sub millisecond latencies. “Datacentrix’ network is connected using dual path fibre cables with wireless failover as back-up, between our two data centres. The system is equally divided be- tween them, delivering back-up, recovery and replication availability for all workloads, as well as physical and cloud-based re- sources. This allows customers to elimi- nate legacy back-up solutions forever,” says Redelinghuys. “More importantly, it provides local companies of all sizes with the latest in data back-up and protection technology, without taking away the control of their
most important asset, their data.” Dedicat- ed front-end firewalls allow customers to connect securely and directly to the data centres via their own line or the Internet using a protected login. Data is fully en- crypted at each stage in the process, from the processing point at the customer to the backend, including tape. “All customer data remains within South Africa’s borders, and offers flexible, usage-based payment options,” adds Re- delinghuys. Enquiries: Nicola Read. Email datacentrix@pr.co.za
Marius Redelinghuys.
42 Electricity + Control
MAY 2018
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