Electricity + Control May 2018
CESA Infrastructure Indaba – Collaboration for Infrastructure Delivery
The recent annual CESA Infrastructure Indaba that was held in Ekurhuleni, Gauteng in March with the theme of ‘Engineering the Future Now’ brought together leading experts including govern- ment officials, consulting engineers and built environment profes- sionals for the purpose of improving the delivery and management of public infrastructure. Twenty-two high level Built Environment speakers openly de- bated with delegates resulting in the adoption of a number of im- portant resolutions aimed at improving infrastructure development through collaboration: National Treasury Collaboration: As CESA we resolved to sup- port the implementation of procurement best practice as pro- posed by National Treasury through the Standard for Infrastructure and Delivery Management (SIPDM), together with any Monitoring role that we could play in driving compliance with this standard. We believe that significant savings of as much as 30% may be derived through efficient and effective procurement and delivery management of infrastructure projects. Municipal Infrastructure Support Agency (MISA): In relation to the Municipal Infrastructure Support Agency (MISA), CESA re- solved to render technical advice and support to municipalities to optimise infrastructure provisioning, to provide technical skills sup- port and strengthen municipal capacity to provide basic services. G auteng Infrastructure Development MoU: A memorandum of understanding is to be signed with the Gauteng Department of Infrastructure Development to assist in issues of procurement and the quality of services. This will assist in the fight against corrup- tion and the promotion of ethical leadership.
World Bank Collaboration: CESA believes that there are lots of opportunities to make a difference in development by being a con- sultant/supplier/contractor in World Bank financed projects. Development Bank of Southern Africa (DBSA): There are op- portunities to collaborate with the DBSA on project preparation, infrastructure investment, infrastructure financing (municipal and non-municipal) and infrastructure delivery and project implemen- tation support. Transformation: CESA needs to continue with promoting diversity awareness and encouraging members to consider such training. We encourage members to identify a champion for transformation, other than the CEO. We will canvass members to adopt the pro- posed transformation aspirations as we believe that as an industry and as a society, it is the right thing to do; and that a business that embraces diversity is a winning business. CESA aims to influence transformation in the broader South African industry so that mem- ber companies can commit to becoming authentically transformed in order to grow a prosperous South Africa. National Planning Commission, Dept. Water & Sanitation col- laboration: CESA, together with other industry stakeholders needs to research total solutions to bulk water supply and consumption based on the new population dynamics – ensuring innovation in order to improve water infrastructure planning and delivery. ECSA, CESA and SABTACO Collaboration CESA aims to collaborate with these organizations to improve professional registration rates, transformation in the industry and the profession, best practice procurement and other issues which plague the wellbeing of the industry.
In conclusion I believe that collabo- ration between built environment pro- fessions is vital in order to influence a conducive environment for such professions and practices to thrive. A strong theme of Collaboration for In- frastructure Delivery emerged from the conference with Government call- ing on the private sector to assist in providing both leadership, knowledge and capacity to Local, Provincial and National Government levels. There is a definite need for CESA and our over 540-member firms to provide support to ensure that as a country we get ‘value for money’ in rolling our infra- structure projects aimed at providing cost effective solutions.
Christopher Campbell, Chief Executive Officer, Consulting Engineers South Africa.
46 Electricity + Control
MAY 2018
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