Electricity + Control May 2018
More to Selecting Sensor Technology than Meets the Eye
Gerry Bryant, Countapulse Controls
Sensors are a critical component in the operation of engineering devices and essentially have the function of converting a stimulus into a measured signal.
Take Note!
The risk level associated with purchasing sensing devices on price alone is simply too great. Selecting an incorrect or inappropriate sensor can result in minor malfunc- tions to complete disrup- tion of a production line. It is critical that the right sensor is selected for the right job.
T hese sophisticated devices are engineered to detect or measure a property or a con- dition and record, indicate or otherwise re- spond to this information, according to the defi- nition of the word sensor. The stimulus can be mechanical, thermal, electromagnetic, acoustic or chemical, and while typically the measured signal is electrical it could also be optic, hydraulic and pneumatic. Sensing technology has developed at an ac- celerated pace for the past twenty years, and will continue to do so for years to come. Networks of sensors measure and record everything and sen- sor-enabled devices communicate with one anoth- er through the IoT.
Vast advances in sensor technology The vast advances made in sensors technology have largely made these devices more widely used and an integral part of the world’s digital eco- system. And in the context of the global market- place access to sensors has become much easier. Yet while it may, on the surface, seem that it has become simpler to source such equipment, this is often not the case. Without an in-depth understanding of the appli- cation of sensing technology it is almost impossi- ble to select the correct sensor for an application. Selecting an incorrect or inappropriate sensor can result in anything fromminor malfunctions in an op- eration to complete disruption of a production line.
4 Electricity + Control
MAY 2018
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