Electricity + Control May 2018
FEATURES: • Sensors, switches+ transducers • Analytical instrumentation • Cyber security • Drives,motors+ switchgear • Energymanagement+ environmental engineering • PowerQuality, standby+ back-up
Sensing Solutions Specialist at the Top of the Game
ECMay2018 cover.indd 1
5/2/2018 9:16:43AM
T he importance of being able to rely on a reputa- ble sensing technology supplier cannot be un- derestimated. This is the opinion of Gerry Bryant, managing director of leading sensing solutions supplier, Countapulse Controls . “This is especially true given the massive strides made in this sector over the past few decades, and it is important to establish a sound relationship with a company that is able to offer the depth of knowl- edge, technical expertise and experience to ensure that you get the right sensor for the job,” Bryant says. Countapulse Controls was established well over 60 years ago, and it is what customers get when they work with this company that really makes the difference. The company offers reliable, efficient and ap- plication appropriate sensing, control and motion detection solutions. And its success has been built on a solid foundation of local applications knowl- edge across a broad range of industry sectors. This is a critical differentiator as there are nu- merous factors that need to be considered when selecting sensing devices, and these include op- erational parameters, the range of the sensor, the speed of the automatic process, the background conditions and type of product, auxiliary equip- ment, the circuits within the process and the sen- sor’s materials of construction. When assessing a customer’s application, it is necessary to look beyond a single problem area; a far more structured approach is required to obtain a general overview of the specific requirements. Sensors must be selected specifically for the op- erating parameters of individual applications to ensure that absolute accuracy and optimum per- formance are achieved. It is simply not sufficient to match a sensor to a model number hoping that it will achieve what is required. Failure to understand the full capabilities of a specific device could result in the selection of a far costlier sensor, when a more cost effective option would suffice in a particular application. “For years, our customers have benefitted from the in-depth technical expertise that resides within
our team, and this has enabled us to assess indi- vidual customer applications and recommend fit- for-purpose solutions in even the most demanding environments,” Bryant says. Countapulse Controls represents some of the most advanced counting, sensing and motion tech- nology available internationally, and this includes well-known brands such as Leuze, Hengstler, EGE, Pulsotronic, Secatec and ABP. With the backing of these globally renowned German sensor manufac- turers, customers are assured of absolute accura- cy and optimum performance. Significantly, staying abreast of technology has also allowed Countapulse Controls to assist cus- tomers in locating suitable alternatives where its own product offering does not exactly match the operational parameters. Focused on a strong customer service ethic, Jo- hannesburg-based Countapulse Controls offers sol- id engineering and technical support throughout the country with representation in Cape Town, Durban, East London, Port Elizabeth and Windhoek. Coun- tapulse Controls also offers customers 24/7 access to immediate technical support and information, through its technical advisory service hotline which can be reached on +27 (0) 66 148 5287. “By involving a specialist supplier such as Coun- tapulse Controls it is often possible to provide a far more cost efficient and operation related solution which could in the end result in significant cost savings,” Bryant concludes.
Enquiries: Gerry Bryant.Tel. +27 (0) 11 615 7556 or email bryant@countapulse.co.za
Electricity + Control
MAY 2018
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