Electricity + Control May 2019
Some highlights from Hannover Messe 2019
An alliance for the IIoT At Hannover Messe 2019, seven leading suppliers from mechanical engineering, industrial automation and software announced the foundation of the Open Industry 4.0 Alliance. Through this cooperation, the com- panies aim to overcome proprietary solutions and boost the digital transformation of industry in Europe and further afield.
F ounding members of the alliance are Beckhoff, Endress+Hauser, Hilscher, ifm, KUKA, Multivac and SAP. In principle, the alliance is open to all companies. Balluff, Gebhardt, Pepperl+Fuchs, Schmidtsche Schack, Samson and WIKA have already joined the alliance as members. All companies are mutually committed to the creation of a standardised and open ecosystem for the operation of highly automated factories and process plants with the integration of logistics and services. Matthias Altendorf, CEO of the Endress+ Hauser Group, said, “The open architecture of the Open Industry 4.0 Alliance meets all the re- quirements of the process industry. It is based on standards, ensures transparency across all busi- ness processes, and guarantees the integrity of the systems. This enables process plant operators to leverage the potential of digitalisation.” The alliance members are planning to realise a so-called Open Industry 4.0 Framework based on existing standards such as I/O Link, OPC UA and RAMI, for the entire route from objects in the workshop to services. Customers can choose from a modular system of compatible and scalable solution and service components.
The connection to the SAP software portfolio supports the integration of a company’s business processes as well as collaboration with partners across company boundaries. The open architec- ture allows for simple connection of further sys- tem landscapes. More information about the Open Indus- try 4.0 Alliance will soon be published at www.openindustry4.com.
1. This new alliance is creating an open eco- system to enable the digital transformation of industrial plants. Take Note! 1
The Open Industry 4.0 Alliance aims to create a standardised and open ecosystem for the digitalisation of industrial production facilities.
For more information contact Endress+Hauser, email: info@za.endress.com or visit: www.endress.com/en
TwinCAT Scope software Beckhoff used the platform of Hannover Messe to introduce a number of new products to the market, including its TwinCAT Scope software.
I n the context of Industry 4.0 and big data applica- tions, machine data acquisition and analytics are becoming increasingly important. The information needs to be presented in a clear and efficient man- ner and the machine control system has to cover a wide range of other smart components. TwinCAT Scope software provides optimum support for such integrated data acquisition across heterogeneous system environments. A standardised OPC UA communication channel enables this charting tool
to analyse data from diverse sources such as Twin- CAT controllers and third-party components. TwinCAT 3 Scope consists of Scope View for the graphical display of signal curves, and Scope Server for the actual data logging. The Scope Server can be installed on a target device for au- tonomous logging (without the View component if preferred) or on the corresponding engineering system together with Scope View for remote log- ging. The latter solution offers the advantage that
1. TwinCAT Scope software from Beckhoff supports integrated data acqui- sition across different systems. Take Note! 2
12 Electricity + Control
MAY 2019
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