Electricity + Control May 2019
Keeping our oceans clean
Marking World Water Day on March 22 nd , Berlin-based Knick Elektronische Messgeräte acquired 1 000 bracelets made from plastics retrieved from our oceans and recycled. With this pur- chase the company has contributed to the funding of a worldwide oceans clean-up campaign. The bracelets are made and sold by 4Ocean, a US company that plays a leading role in protecting the earth’s oceans and carries out extensive, regular clean-ups. For every bracelet sold, about 500 g of plastic waste can be removed from oceans and coast- lines. With the help of 150 employees and countless volunteers, the company has been able to remove more than 1,8 mil- lion kilograms of waste in the past two years. By purchasing 1 000 bracelets, Knick is supporting fu- ture clean-ups, providing for about 500 kg of plastic waste to be removed from the oceans and recycled into new bracelets. Knick CEO and President Marcus Knick, says, “The protection of our oceans is very important to me. In our work we try to avoid plastic as much as possible. With our measuring instruments the quality of industrial waste-
water can be monitored before it gets back into circulation. But the challenge of protecting our oceans does not end there. We want to do more. That’s why we support projects that pick up where we leave off – such as 4Ocean’s Ocean Plastic Recovery campaign.” Knick distributes the bracelets as giveaways to employees, customers and trade show visitors. Mecosa is the sole agent for Knick Elektronische Messgeräte in Southern Africa. Enquiries: Mecosa.Tel. +27 (0)11 257 6100 or email: measure@mecosa.co.za
In line with its supply of water and wastewater quality monitoring instruments, among others, Knick supports the Ocean Plastic Recovery campaign, to clean up the earth’s oceans.
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