Electricity and Control May 2021
Retrofit obsolete magmeters with new electronics
Gradually, more electromagnetic flowmeters are being discontinued and spare parts and support become unavailable. For some manufacturers this could mean the malfunction of the electronics causes unwanted downtime, which results in significant consequences for process and plant safety. KROHNE’s IFC 300 converter not only safeguards business and assets from such consequences, it also makes the installation fit for the future, with additional features and the latest communication protocols, for example. Process safety and meter updates When making product decisions, cost and performance must always be balanced. But the IFC 300 delivers more performance for lower costs. There is no need to buy an expensive new flow sensor and the process can continue to run without time-consuming interruptions. With its unrivalled measurement performance, the comprehensive diagnostics package and its numerous communication options (such as HART ® PROFIBUS ® , PROFINET ® , FOUNDATIONTM fieldbus and Modbus), it ensures a high level of process reliability and is a real gain for process plants. Extensive meter exchanges The IFC 300 offers a quick changeover to a converter that will work through many years to come – always with the option of upgrading to other communication protocols at short notice and without complications. KROHNE will check the compatibility of the used sensor and the installation situation in advance. The customer has to install the converter and ensure that a reference flow is available during start-up for the replacement converter to be adjusted. KROHNE service engineers support customers in commissioning and start Mouser Electronics Inc offers a wide selection of envi- ronmental sensors from Sensirion, a leading supplier of sensors for the medical and automotive industries. Over the past two decades, Sensirion has grown to become one of the world’s leading designers and manufacturers of flow and environmental sensors. Its high-performance products are essential for applications that are top of mind in today’s factories, including air purification, indoor air quality monitoring, and carbon dioxide detection. The Sensirion SGP40 indoor air quality sensor, available from Mouser, is an integrated CMOSens sen- sor system on a single chip that provides a humidity- compensated indoor air quality signal. The sensor offers long-term stability in terms of response time and sensi- tivity, providing a reliable solution for applications such as demand-controlled ventilation. The SPS30 particulate matter sensor is an optical sensor that combines laser Environmental sensors
KROHNE service engineers support customers in commissioning and start up of the new converter. up (after mechanical and electrical installation) of the new converter. Safety-relevant data Particularly in the area of process safety, it is important to be always on the ball and to obtain relevant data from the process that can be used to minimise risks. If this is not possible with the current transmitter, switching to the IFC 300 is the right decision. IFC 300 offers detection of gas bubbles or solids, changing or too-low conductivity (for example, during change of media or empty pipe)*, deposits or coating on the electrodes, electrode corrosion, too-high media or ambient temperature.*[*depending on the old sensor] For more information contact KROHNE. Tel: +27 (0)11 314 1391 Email: sales@krohne.com, visit: http://za.krohne.com scattering with Sensirion’s contamination-resistant technology. Built for a lifetime of more than eight years, the SPS30 sensor enables accurate measurements for HVAC equipment, air con- ditioners, and Internet of Things (IoT) devices. Sensirion’s STC31 is a chip-sized gas concentration sensor, offering accurate, high-range CO 2 measurements for high-volume production. The STC31 sensor is based on a thermal conductivity measurement principle, which deliv- ers high level repeatability and long-term stability. The for- maldehyde sensor module, available to order fromMouser, is based on Sensirion’s electrochemical technology and provides exceptional formaldehyde sensing performance with low cross-sensitivity to other volatile organic com- pounds. The SFA30 sensor module is designed for simple integration into air purifiers, indoor air quality monitors, and demand-controlled ventilation systems.
Sensirion’s environmental
sensors monitor indoor air quality and carbon dioxide
levels, among other factors.
For more information visit: https://eu.mouser.com
Electricity + Control MAY 2021
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