Electricity and Control May 2021


Collision protection for AGVs

diagnostics from a distance of up to 25 m, enabling the user to save time and avoid danger. Especially in environ- ments such as clean rooms, where physical access typi- cally involves a lot of effort, setup and operation become considerably easier. Combination as required VEGABAR pressure sensors with switching function are available in three versions: the compact series 10 and the series 20 and 30, each with or without a display, a switching point visualisation and a large graphic display. The instruments are available with either a metallic or a ceramic measuring cell. VEGAPOINT sensors for point level detection are also available in three versions. Two of them (10 and 20) are designed for liquids with a water content of at least 10%, the third (30) can also be used for bulk solids. The new pressure sensors and level switches represent an important milestone for VEGA. They offer users a range of level and pressure measurement technology from a sin- gle source, all hygiene-optimised instruments that are easy to install For more information contact VEGA. Tel: +27 (0)11 795 3249 Email: info.za@vega.com, visit: www.vega.com/en-za

Collisions of automated guided vehicles (AGVs) in indoor areas with protruding or suspended objects and other obstacles must be avoided under all circumstances. For this

purpose, ifm offers the ODS (Obstacles Detection System) collision protection system, which consists of a PMD 3D cam- era and intelligent integrated software. Sup- plementing the mandatory safety laser scanner, it monitors the manoeuvring range in three dimen- sions, 60° x 40° in the driving direction, and can detect obstacles above the conventional safety la- ser scanner’s detection zone, such as forklift arms, high-speed doors or crane hooks. It is unaffected by ambient light. The unit features three collision warning levels. Both the speed and the steering angle are taken into account. This prevents unnecessary braking and provides opti- mum protection during all vehicle manoeuvres.

The collision protection unit provides effective obstacle detection and intelligent collision warnings.

For more information contact ifm. Tel: +27 (0)12 450 0400 Email: info.za@ifm.com Visit: www.ifm.com

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