Electricity + Control November 2017
7-colour Indicator lights Banner Engineering , a leading provider of technology for pro- cess and industrial automation, has introduced K30L2 and K50L2 seven-colour indicator lights for use in any application requiring high-visibility status indication. K30L2 and K50L2 indicators utilise RGB LED technology to sup- port seven colours in a single indicator using just three inputs. Col- ours include red, green, blue, yellow, cyan, magenta, and white. This versatility makes it possible to standardise on a single model of indicator, reducing replacement stock requirements and simpli- fying ordering. Designed to provide clear, unambiguous indication of status, K30L2 and K50L2 indicators shine bold and bright for easy, at-a-glance visual management. An optional audible alarm available on K50L2 models provides a distinct, loud notification of a change in status. Protected by a rugged IP66, IP67, and IP69K polycarbonate hous- ing, K30L2 and K50L2 indicators withstand impact and high-pres- sure, high-temperature washdown, ensuring reliable performance in challenging environments. Models constructed from FDA-grade SCADA and industrial automation supplier, Adroit Technologies, has signed a partnership agreement with SqwidNet, the licenced SIG- FOX IoT network operator in South Africa. SIGFOX is the leading provider of global IoT connectivity with network deployments in 36 countries at present. Their proposition comprises low-cost, long- range, low-power modules and devices that serve up IoT data in a se- cure and cost-efficient manner to application and service providers. The partnership opens up excellent opportunities for IIoT appli- cation and service providers to use the cloud-based SCADA and in- dustrial-automation platforms offered by Adroit Technologies. Data from sensors and devices can now be seamlessly served up to the Adroit-hosted platform environment via the SIGFOX network. “As the IIoT evolves, we are noticing that customers are looking at the application of IIoT technologies across a wider range of use
materials are available for use in food and beverage applications. These second-generation in- dicators are based on the indus-
try-proven first generation of K30 and K50 series LED indicators. They offer similarly low levels of power consumption and require little or no maintenance over a very long operational life. In addition, K30L2 and
K50L2 indicators have a clear, uncomplicated wiring plan that ena- bles quick, hassle-free installation and allows users to consolidate controller outputs. K50L2 indicators are also available in models with IO-Link com- munication, which enables full control of colour, flashing, dimming, and advanced animations like rotation, strobing, 2-colour display, 2-colour rotation, 2-colour flashing, and chase. Enquiries: BrandonTopham.Tel. +27 (0) 11 453 2468 or email brandon.topham@retautomation.com cases, including utility management, manufacturing, and inventory and asset management,” says Dave Wibberley, Managing Direc- tor of AdroitTechnologies . “We see SIGFOX technology as much more compelling from a scalability, simplicity, cost, and ease-of-in- tegration perspective than traditional telemetry options. This is par- ticularly relevant when it comes to smaller projects’ requirements. SqwidNet already covers all of the eight major metros in South Africa, and they cover 64% of the population nationally. They have demonstrated to us their willingness to drive enablement and inno- vation in the industry through their ecosystem of global module-, device-, platform-, and application-development partners. Their ex- ceptional technical and commercial support has enabled us to build interfaces to the SIGFOX back end, and develop a number of trials based on data from sensors and connected devices on the Sqwid- Net network."
Adroit and SqwidNet sign IIoT partnership
The demonstrations of these scenarios can be viewed at the AdroitTechnologies premises. Adroit Technologies is in the process of be- coming a certified SIGFOX partner for devices and for their SCADA platform. Enquiries:Tel. +27 (0) 11 658 8100 or email info@adroit.co.za
Chetan Goshalia (SqwidNet), Reshaad Sha (SqwidNet), Dave Wibberley (Adroit Technologies), Johan Nieuwenhuizen (Adroit Technologies) and Grant Joyce (Adroit Technologies).
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