Electricity + Control November 2017
FEATURES: · Control systems+ automation · Drives,motors+ switchgear · Plantmaintenance, test+measurement · Temperaturemeasurement
Looking forward to year-end?
I t cannot escape one that the year is rap- idly drawing to a close. Do we look for- ward to that, or do we view it with some trepidation? Avoiding, as always, the topics that have no place in a technical magazine, we should reflect for a while on the uncertain- ty created by policy and politics right now. As soon as politics begins to impact ad- versely, and significantly, on our industry, we need to sit up and take notice. As a courtesy, I will not analyse this fur- ther - save to say that policy makers can have a profound impact on the economy - and that is essentially their job. But we need to reflect on how best to ensure that the impact is always positive in intention. Impact we have. It is just the direction of the vector that needs work! In another context, I was recently consid- ering some of the positive developments in school Science education. I penned a very critical analysis of where we are, in this regard, as a country and it was sug- gested to me that I was being overly criti- cal. But I disagree. Recognising progress is very important and there has been progress in many aspects of our economy and our society. My grumble is that we are doing far, far worse than we should be and I have be- come increasingly impatient with the rate of progress.
It was exactly this aspect of the improve- ments in basic education that led to my rather critical assessment. Let us never lose sight of the fact that it takes your closest friend to tell you the hard truths! A true friend will honestly tell it to you like it is and I feel an obligation to be critical where I know it is a hard truth - yet a necessary one to hear. This must guide our criticism of what we see impacting our industry. Equally, we need to recognise progress where it is happening. Criticism, if well intended, can assist us in achieving the levels of excel- lence that this nation deserves. For too long we have settled for ‘good enough’ or ‘couldn’t quite get there’. Every one of our readers, I know, strives for excellence. That which frustrates the achievement of excellence should be identified, addressed, and routed out.
ABB ’s new generation drive – the ACQ580 – will assist designers, OEMs and EPC professionals to secure water and wastewater flow in municipal utilities, industrial wastewater facilities, desalination plants and irrigation environments. Read more on page 21. 10/16/2017 3:03:55PM www.electricityandcontrolmagazine.co.za ECNOV2017 cover.indd 1
Magazine Team
Editor: Design & Layout: Advertising Managers:
Wendy Izgorsek Adél JvR Bothma Helen Couvaras Heidi Jandrell Karen Smith Karen Grant Wilhelm du Plessis Ian Jandrell
Circulation: Publisher: Deputy Publisher: Editorial Technical Director:
Quarter 2 (Apr - Jun 2017) Total print circulation: 4 703
Published monthly by:
Crown Publications cc Cnr Theunis and Sovereign Sts, Bedford Gardens PO Box 140, Bedfordview 2008 Tandym Print
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Telephone: E-mail:
+27 (0) 11 622 4770 e-mail: ec@crown.co.za admin@crown.co.za www.crown.co.za
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