Electricity + Control October 2016



Switchgear for Elandsfontein Phosphate Mine JB Switchgear Solutions , near Johannesburg, was recently awarded a contract by DRA in Cape Town for the design, manufacture and supply of numerous boards, variable speed drives and soft starters destined for the Elandsfontein Phosphate Mine project, which is currently being developed in their site located near Saldanha in the Western Cape, approximately 95 kms north of Cape Town. The project is supported technically and financially by EEM’s major shareholder, Phosfanatia International, a European business with investments in the phosphate industry. In this instance, JB Switchgear supplied their proven and IEC 61439 certified Eagle series of motor control centres. Enquiries: Johan Basson.Tel. +27 11 027 5804 or email info@jbswitchgear.co.za

HMI with Codesys 3 PLC and visualisation

lean and simple programming of the PLC and visualisation functions.The latest pro- cessor technology of the units guarantees the smooth handling of computing inten- sive processes right through to moving image visualisations. The high resolution TFT display with 64 000 colours enables the attractive and high performance display of graphics and animations.The front panel of theTX500 series is protected to IP66. Enquiries: BrandonTopham. RET Automation Controls. Email brandon.topham@retautomation.com

RET has introducedTurck's new HMI series TX500 features HMI PLCs with high-end touch displays and fast processors that are ideal for use in small to medium-size machines which have processes that have to be controlled, operated and visualized locally. EachTX500 is equipped with a Profinet master and EtherNet/IP scanner, as well as a Modbus TCP and Modbus RTU master. The HMIs can also be run as slaves in both Modbus protocols. Codesys3 allows the

October ‘16 Electricity+Control


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