Two recent launches for automation solutions provider
Festo recently opened a first of its kind (in South Africa) applications centre with state-of-the-art electric drive handling and vision systems (refer
editorial on page 10 of this issue).
And… to mark the start of National Science Week 2015, the company partnered with the Sci-Bono Discovery Centre to launch the Mechatronics
Lab in Newtown, on Tuesday, 4 August. The multi million rand facility is equipped with state of the art equipment and can now be utilised by
Grade 10 – 12 learners. The aim of the lab is to address manufacturing, employability and STEM subjects (Science, Technology, Engineering and
Enquiries: Russell Schwulst. Tel. 08600 33786 or email
Francois.gerber@sci-bono.co.zaGenerators for Nelson Mandela Childrens Hospital
Two Cat generators are being commissioned to provide standby
power at the NelsonMandela Children’s Hospital (NMCH) located in
Parktown, Johannesburg, to ensure that the hospital and its critical
facilities are never without power.
• A Cat generator powered by a Cat 3512B diesel engine (engine
capacity of 1 360 kVA) was donated by Barloworld
• The NMCH ordered a second unit from Barloworld Power, a
generator powered by a Cat C32 diesel engine, with an engine
capacity of 1 000 kVA
• Fuel for the generators will be fed from two 1 000 ℓ day tanks and
one 9 000 ℓ bulk tank – which combined, can supply the genera-
tors with over 18 hours of fuel when running at full load
• The overall project is being managed by SIP Project Managers
on behalf of the NMCH Trust
Enquiries: Shivani Naidoo. Email
snaidoo@barloworldpower.comSOCIAL ENGINEERS
At the Nelson Mandela Children’s Hospital building site are Jabu Malindi (SIP
Project Manager), Salaminah Boshomane (G5 Safety Officer), Helen Couvaras
(Electricity + Control) and Siya Dokoda (Nelson Mandela Children’s Hospital
Trust PR and Communications).
Brett Wallace (Festo,
managing director), Gift
Thobejane (application and
technical specialist and
Thomas Hohls (technical
support and application
September ‘15