Extends functionality of machines
IO-Link is the intelligent connection be-
tween the device (sensor or actuator)
on one side and PLC or field module on
the other side. The AC5225 AS-i IO-Link
module from
ifm electronic
combines the
advantages of the AS-i wiring system with
the standardised IO-Link communication.
The simple AS-i system connects the data
and power supply for IO-Link sensors and
AS-Interface has become a well-estab-
lished means of simplifying and speed-
ing up machine wiring, while adding
diagnostics. IO-Link, as a supplementary
system on the lowest field level, is rapidly
increasing in the number of devices avail-
able on the market as this standard is now
supported by so many major manufactur-
ers. IO-Link not only simplifies the design
and construction of machines by virtue
of its standardisation, it also significantly
extends the functionality of machines.
Short set-up times, higher productivity,
and new modern maintenance concepts
send a clear message for IO-Link. To as-
sure its international use, IO-Link has been
incorporated into the globally recognised
PLC standard IEC 61131. Mandatory test
specifications, test tools for masters and
devices, and the resulting manufacturer’s
declaration ensure the interoperability and
quality of IO-Link.
As defined by the IO-Link standard, the
AC5225 can connect to binary or analogue
sensors, standard devices or IO-Link-
enabled. A feature of IO-Link is exact data
transmission with IO-Link: IO-Link andAS-i
transfer analogue values in a digitisedman-
ner, i.e. without conversion losses. Distort-
ed signals by electromagnetic interference
or contact resistances are excluded. Using
an IO-Link sensor extends the powerfulAS-i
diagnostics to the sensor level.
Enquiries:Tel. 012 450 0370
or email
info.za@ifm.comFoam – no problem for new level sensor
Exact level measurement in heavily foaming
media is no problem for
’s new LR2750
level sensor for hygienic applications.. The
device was specially developed for de-
manding applications in the food industry.
It features a hygienic design and resists ag-
gressive cleaning processes. In addition, the
sensor is equipped with an Aseptoflex Vario
thread for a multitude of process adapters.
Due to the use of high quality and insensitive
sealingmaterials such as PEEK and EPDM, as
well as a high grade stainless steel housing,
the new level sensor is best suited for internal
and external cleaning. LR2750 meets IP 69K require-
ments, has an enhanced pressure resistance of up to
40 bar and is also rated for high medium temperatures
of up to 150°C.This makes the sensor extremely resist-
ant to the most adverse operating conditions such as
steam cleaning. An optional tank adjustment feature
ensures extreme flexibility for the LR2750. Even if an
installation proves to be difficult, the device operates
precisely and reliably.Whether smaller storage tanks,
expansion tanks, separators, or for filling, the LR sen-
sor can be used almost everywhere.
Enquiries:Tel. 012 450 0370 or
Sensors for early tsunami warning
SENIX specialist distance measurement manufacturers, repre-
sented in South Africa by
, have their ToughSonic sen-
sors playing a critical role detecting sea level changes as part of a
sophisticatedTsunami EarlyWarning System (TeWS) in the Philip-
pines. Senix engineers collaborated with the PhilippinesAdvanced
Science andTechnology Institute (ASTI) to customiseToughSonic
50 ultrasonic sensors for this first-of-its-kind system. EachTough-
Sonic 50 sensor is integrated into a tide gauge platform that also
includesASTI-designed wet and dry sensors, a solar power system
and wireless communications equipment. Hundreds of these tide
gauge platforms are integrated to create the largest and most
sophisticatedTsunami warning system in the world.
The impetus for the TeWS system is the Manila Trench, an
earthquake-prone zone west of the Philippine island of Luzon
that reaches depths of 17 700, which is prone to earthquakes.The
Philippines Institute of Volcanology and Seismology (PHIVOLCS)
has forecast that a strong earthquake in the Manila Trench could
trigger tsunamis with waves up to 32 feet high that could reach
the populous Manila metropolitan area in less than an hour. How
it works: The Senix sensors detect any significant rise and fall in
the sea level.The data is logged on each platform and then sent in
real time to a data receiving center operated by PHIVOLCS where
data from all the sensors are consolidated and analysed using data
visualisation, interpretation and decision software. The analysis
results can be sent to local government agencies in near real-time
where officials can sound off sirens to warn people in high risk
areas to move to higher ground.
Enquiries:Tel. 010 595 1831 or email
sales@instrotech.co.zaSENSORS, SWITCHES + TRANSDUCERS
September ‘15