Roadworks to disrupt
Johannesburg traffic
Johannesburg Development Agency (JDA)
started the implementation of the BRT roadworks
along Louis Botha Avenue from Parktown toWynberg
(Section 15), and along Katherine Street in Sandton
from Marlboro to the Gautrain station (Section 8).
Construction works are underway on two new bridges
over the M1 Highway which will continue for a period
of 18 months until February 2017. These construction
works are the beginning of a sophisticated network
of public transport for the citizens of Johannesburg.
The new developments include dedicated lanes for
cyclists and pedestrians as well as an iconic bridge –
The Grayston Pedestrian Bridge – linking Alexandra
and Sandton.The JDA appeals to motorists to practise
patience and caution on these routes and apologises
for any inconvenience caused to motorists.
Enquiries: Siyabonga Genu. Email
SGenu@jda.org.zaSouth Africa’s manufacturing
economy bolstered
Aberdare Cables
, a Powertech company within the JSE-
listed Altron Group, has launched a new production
line within its existing plant in Pietermaritzburg, Kwa-
Zulu-Natal. The line, supported by the South African
Department of Trade and Industry’s (dti) designation
programme, is specifically designed to manufacture
locomotive cables for the Passenger Rail Agency of SA
(PRASA) and Transnet. This investment in bolstering
South Africa’s manufacturing economy is especially
significant because it supports the National Develop-
ment Plan’s priorities in two ways: Job creation and
the focus on locally made products that support the
revitalisation and upgrading of South Africa’s critical
rail infrastructure and services.
www.aberdare.co.zaCut cost of standby power
system maintenance
In a bid to cut the cost of maintaining critical standby
power provisioning equipment for its customers,
has instituted a nation-wide ‘flat rate’ for
those opting for preventativemaintenance agreements
covering diesel and petrol generators, uninterruptible
power supply systems (UPS) and battery back-up sys-
tems. Aimed at companies with multiple sites across
SouthAfrica, the company’s newmaintenance scheme
is complemented by a four-hour telephonic response
for technical queries and priority on-site response for
emergency call-outs.The national flat-rate preventative
maintenance scheme comes with a 15% discount on
labour and spares.
Enquiries: Email
garrethj@powermode.co.zaSecret to great outdoor lighting
“EGLO is one of the leading suppliers of decorative lighting in Europe, with
Eurolux having successfully represented them in SouthAfrica for over 12 years,”
says Shaun Bouchier, director at
. “Innovative market research, attention
to detail and a flair for the fashionable is what sets this company apart, and has
helped establish EGLO as a firm favourite in the South African market.”
The EGLO Roffia sets the tone for the range with its matching wall and post-
lightsset in an aluminium and white finish. Being fitted with an LED, it is energy
savvy and the aluminium adds to its durability. “Mounted to an external wall,
often by the front door or over a garage, these wall lights are ideal to illumi-
nate entries, so you can easily see locks
and identify callers,” adds Bouchier. “It is
designed to be understated, placing the
focus on the space it is illuminating, rather
than becoming a feature in itself.”
Another wall light that is set to compli-
ment modern homes is the Lepus, featuring
a galvanised steel and white finish.The gal-
vanised steel extends in a half moon shape
from the wall, ensuring that the light beams
are cast downwards in a 12.5m projection
range for evenly distributed lighting.
Enquiries: Shaun Bouchier.Tel. 021 528 8400
or email
shaun.bouchier@eurolux.co.zaElectromagnetic drives –
local suppliers and abroad
In addition to importing a range of electromagnetic drives exclusively from
of Germany, vibrating equipment supplier
Joest Kwatan
i also sup-
ports its range of locally, in-house manufactured SFH electromagnetic super
feeder drives.
The SFH range of electromagnetic vibrating drives is designed for feeding
bulk materials at a controlled rate from stockpiles and hoppers to bulk materials
handling equipment such as belt conveyors, crushers and screens. Kim Sch-
oepflin, managing director, Joest Kwatani, says that the company attained this
product range through its acquisition of Lockers Engineers over two years ago.
Theresa Walton, general manager (service) says: “These are designed for
use in medium to heavy applications such as quarries, coal plants, steel works
and the chemical and food and beverage industries, as well as food-processing
plants. The Aviteq range of electromagnetic drives is particularly suited to
standard volumes where a high dosing accuracy is required. Joest Kwatani has
been appointed the exclusive distributor for Aviteq, formerly AEG, products in
Africa, including electromagnetic drives and controllers.
Enquiries: Kim Schoepflin.Tel. 011 923 9000.Visit
September ‘15