New switchgear for City Power
City Power is
ACTOM MV Switchgear
’s first customer for its new
generation AMV12 range of air-insulated switchgear officially
launched into the market at the beginning of the year.The business
unit was awarded a contract in April last year to provide a 17-panel
12 kV rated switchboard incorporating the new switchgear for in-
stallation in the 88 kV/11 kV Industria substation in Industria, West
of Johannesburg’s city centre.The contract, which formed part of
a refurbishment and upgrade of the substation by City Power, was
awarded by Midrand-based Machite Engineering, the electrical and
civils contractor on the project. ACTOMMV Switchgear, which com-
pleted the contract in January this year, developed the AMV12
range in line with the changing requirements of its principle
customers and in conformity with the latest international quality
and safety standards. It developed the new range in partnership
withYIHE Electric Group, a Qingdao (China) based manufacturer
of electrical equipment.The AMV12 range of switchgear is rated
for 12 kV with current ratings of 800 A, 1250 A and 2 500 A at
31,5 kA in accordance with IEC 62271-200.
Enquiries: GregWhyte.Tel. 011 820 5140
or email
greg.whyte@actom.co.zaUnique handheld instrument
Diagnosis, maintenance and servicing of electric
drive motors necessitate the measurement of
various electrical quantities, as well as function
and safety testing. Several measuring and test
instruments are required which are only condition-
ally portable and therefore unsuitable for on-site
service calls. Gossen Metrawatt’s new Metrahit
Coil unites all important measuring and test instru-
ments for electric drives into a single handheld
device.The instrument includes a universal digital
multimeter, an insulation measuring instrument
and a motor coil tester.This combination is unique
in a handheld instrument.The short-circuited coil
detection function is a world first. Asymmetries
resulting from short-circuited coils can be detected
by comparing the measurement results obtained
for motor coils inmultiphase drives. Measurement
is performed with a charging voltage of 1 000 V,
which makes it possible to detect errors which
only occur under operating conditions.
Enquiries:Timecount. Joss Laurencik.Tel. 011 882
3105 or email
sales@timecount.co.zaDRIVES, MOTORS + SWITCHGEAR
MARTHINUSEN AND COUTTS - LEADERS IN ELECTRIC MOTOR AND POWER GENERATION REPAIR, MAINTENANCE AND SPECIALISED MANUFACTURE. Large AC / DC Motors Small AC / DC Motors Traction & Flameproof Motors Transformers Power Generation ON SITE SERVICES Removal repair and re-installation On site testing and breakdown repair Root cause analysis Condition monitoring Preventative and predictive maintenance Motor management programme Reliability improvements/enhancements Efficiency improvements Performance upgrades Power savings CUSTOMISED ELECTRICAL AND MECHANICAL DESIGN Marthinusen & Coutts Your Assets. Your Needs. Your Service Partner. Tel: +27 (0)11 607 1700 www.mandc.co.za commercial@mandc.co.zaACTOM MV Switchgear technicians completing assembly
and inspection of the AMV12 switchgear panel for City
Power’s Industria substation.