Electricity + Control September 2018
Data analysis Numerous global tech companies are looking to spearhead the foray into digital data analy- sis in mining. From exploration to delivery and everything in between, the digitisation of mining will streamline all processes while making the in- dustry safer than ever. Advanced sensing technology and real-time op- erational data will assist in a faster decision-making process and allow companies to be more transpar- ent with their local partners, while predictive algo- rithms will enhance the precision and accuracy of future projects. Incentives for automation The Mining Journal article quotes a Citi report on incentive for automated mining equipment such as driverless vehicles: “Labour is one of the biggest cost drivers for a big miner, contributing to more than 30% of miner’s cash costs. There is also the aspect of safety. Not only is this important per se, but the safest mines are often the most produc- tive.” The Citi report notes that while adoption of au- tomated equipment has been slow, the situation is poised to change because the obvious cost-re- ducing measures have already been taken, leaving automated equipment and technologies as the best option to improve efficiency and productivity, while reducing costs. In Deloitte’s ‘Outlook on Mining’, Rick Carr, Deloitte Mining sector leader, also recommends
embracing autonomous mining solutions: “Rather than layer incremental technologies over existing operating models, the industry could work with equipment makers to design autonomous solu- tions, collaborate with technology firms to develop sensor-driven production visibility tools, and em- brace mobile and modular solutions for bulk min- ing operations. For example, at Glencore’s Ulan West mine in Australia, an underground flexible conveyor system – the second of its kind in the country – is being installed to drive improved op- erations, increase safety, and lower total operating costs.” Given all the benefits of automation, what are min- ing companies waiting for? The CRC Mining web- site summarises a presentation given by Professor Ross McAree, an authority in robotics and auto- mation innovations for mining, at the International Mining and Resources Conference (IMARC) in Mel- bourne on September 23, 2014 in which he pre- sents six challenges to technology implementation: • The double burden of immaturity. • The need for a common interoperability plan. • Operational technology and information tech- nology must integrate. • Sourcing skilled people with appropriate exper- tise. • Altered responsibilities. • Equivalent levels of safety. Six challenges to technology implemen- tation
If South Africa’s mining compa- nies want to continue to meet the growing global demand for their products, they must embrace au- tomation sooner rather than later. The result will certainly be a more profitable, efficient, and safer in- dustry.
Chris Calam is the Sales Manager at ThermoFisher Scientific.
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