Electricity + Control September 2018
imising the propagation of electric field into the ambient areas of the switchgear. This helps pre- vent insulation break down phenomena such as partial discharge and tracking. 2SIS offers a num- ber of additional benefits. One benefit is that foot- print can be drastically reduced. Traditional met- al-clad switchgear has a standard section width of 36 inches, and depths and heights averaging 92 inches and 95 inches, respectively. Whereas 2SIS can obtain section widths less than 15 inches and depths as small as 36 inches. When comparing similar line-ups of metal-clad and 2SIS, the foot- print can be reduced by as much as 60%. Additionally, the decreased footprint helps to produce switchgear that can be front-accessible only in design. This allows the switchgear to be placed against walls and in corners of electrical rooms, which can preserve valuable and costly
creases the reliability of medium voltage switch- gear. The ground shield paired with the moulded epoxy insulation acts to increase the life expectan- cy of the insulation itself. By protecting not just the conductor, but the insulation, the switchgear life expectancy is increased. Standard industry hazards such as tools and sheet metal left on bussing during maintenance, or the intrusion of rodents and ver- min into live switchgear have traditionally resulted in damage to the switchgear, requiring equipment replacement. With 2SIS the switchgear is better protected from these common switchgear-killing scenarios. With a longer expected lifecycle comes a decreased requirement for maintenance. By pair- ing the shielded solid insulation system with a fixed vacuum circuit breaker, many of the failure points of metal-clad switchgear are removed, and yearly maintenance cycles can be pushed out to a 10-year interval. All of these features produce a switchgear design that is more reliable and longer lasting. 2SIS also addresses safety by reducing the like- lihood of arc flash incidents. By separating each phase by two insulating epoxy layers, two ground shields and an air gap, the probability of any kind of phase-to-phase interaction is minimised. Also, by ensuring that all parts on the interior of the switch- gear are at ground potential, there is little to no room for adverse current dissipation to occur. Ad- ditionally, with reduced maintenance requirements, personnel are in and around the switchgear less, thereby reducing exposure to medium voltage pow- er. Through safety interlocks and intuitive operation, inadvertent or ignorant misuse of the switchgear can be prevented, adding a level of safety by design. Looking to address issues of modern electrical design, Shielded Solid Insulated System switch- gear provides a variety of benefits. Benefits to adding connectivity to your MV switchgear Reduce downtime and gain greater efficiency Connectivity provides real-time information on the health of your system. This lets you identify areas for improvement, prevents network downtime by identifying problems, reduces maintenance costs, and improves efficiency. Increase safety Electrical switchgear failure can cause serious in- juries and damage. New, connected switchgear
facility space. Part of this benefit is de- rived from the ability of 2SIS to offer a wider variety of circuit breaker con- tinuous current ratings. Traditional met- al-clad switchgear only offers 1200 A and above ratings, but 2SIS switchgear offers circuit breakers with ratings of 200 A, 600 A and 1200 A. This allows designers to select breakers which more accurately reflect the loads they are feeding and reduce cost. Shielded Solid Insulation also in-
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