Electricity and Control August 2023


storage. Due to the variability of solar power generation (as a result of changing weather conditions, for example), it is not always possible to use it as it is generated. Batteries provide a means to store the solar-generated energy for use at a later stage or to facilitate the few seconds’ switchover from solar to grid and in turn, from grid to solar. The last and important piece of the puzzle is power and energy management software. Schneider Electric’s EcoStruxure Microgrid Operation power management system, which is located on the respective site, provides the critical edge control needed for the resilience and stability of the microgrid. It is a real-time system with deterministic algorithms to manage IEDs (intelligent electronic devices) and generators using the local SCADA/HMI and managing the state of operation for islanding and reconnection as required, thus providing supply stability and enabling reduced fuel use. Furthermore, EcoStruxure Microgrid Advisor is a cloud based Energy Management System (EMS) that manages the optimal use of energy resources. It features artificial intelligence (AI) for load / generation forecasting using machine learning (ML) and holistic optimisation. The EMS uses a hybrid approach with cloud and edge functionality for automatic optimisation of DER (distributed energy resources) operation, controlling when to consume, produce or store energy according to the applicable elec tricity tariff rate, and it provides a web-based HMI for facility and energy managers. This further extends the functionality Reliable and consistent power supply is critical to eco nomic growth in Africa – and this need is leading more companies to install larger power systems. Zest WEG notes that it is seeing more demand for generating plants with capacity of 10 MW and above. The company has supplied many customers with its modular solutions in this power range. Bernard Mitton, Business Development Consultant at Zest WEG, says it is becoming more common for cus tomers to request proposals for power solutions that ex ceed 10 MW. In South Africa, this appears to be mainly a response to continuing and variable levels of loadshed ding. In other parts of Africa, says Mitton, it is economic growth that is driving demand. “For many companies that want to grow their output, continuous and reliable power supply is essential,” he says. “In recent years, Zest WEG has been designing and installing more of these large power plants for cus tomers across Africa.” Mitton highlights that it is Zest WEG’s depth of in house engineering expertise and technical capability that earns it these contracts. From the generator sets to the transformers, switchgear and containers, the com pany can provide customers with a full turnkey solution.

of the micro grid system to participate, potentially, in de mand response mechanisms like virtual power plants. Schneider Electric’s EcoStruxure Microgrid Operation power management system maximises renewable energy use. - The system is simple, robust and scalable; solutions can be preconfigured for small, medium, or large sites. - It provides resilience with advanced power management functionalities for load management, load shedding, black start, and load restoration. - It is compatible with existing microgrid DER control solutions. - With the addition of EcoStruxure Microgrid Advisor, it offers grid-connected energy optimisation, allowing for dynamic control of on-site energy sources and loads to optimise a facility’s energy performance. - The system is configurable for small and medium sized sites with EcoStruxure Microgrid Build. - Importantly, it incorporates advanced cybersecurity features. With all the pieces of the puzzle in place – the hybrid inverter, battery storage and energy management system – businesses will be able to reap the full benefits of their initial investment in renewable energy as well as reduced fuel consumption and costs, without having to start again. □

For more information visit: www.se.com


Companies are choosing bigger power plant solutions

“We often propose a modular system that allows the customer to execute a project in phases,” he says. “They can begin with the most cost-effective solution and expand the plant as the power demand grows.”

Generators ready to be installed in a custom engineered container solution.

In one of these 10 MW systems, there will usually be eight to 10 generators installed in a containerised solu tion or a dedicated power plant room. They can generate power at 400 V, to be stepped up by transformer to 11 kV – or power can be generated directly with an alternator output up to 11 kV. “For a typical 10 MW power plant, we connect the generators to a common switchboard up to maximum 22 kV, to distribute power to the various on-site loads,” Mitton explains. “The switchboard solution can be in stalled in a container, an E-house or a plant room.” The generating units are custom engineered, built and fully tested in Zest WEG’s Cape Town generator facility. Testing includes a step load test and the synchronisation of generators to each other – verifying all setpoints, en gine performance and efficiency indicators.

For more information contact Zest WEG. Visit: www.zestweg.com

AUGUST 2023 Electricity + Control


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