Electricity and Control August 2023


Energy efficiency in injection moulding machines

With energy prices rising steeply, plastic injection mould ing companies like automotive components, technical and packaging manufacturers are relooking the sustain ability of their operations to introduce energy efficiency wherever possible. Traditionally, the power consumption of a typical in jection moulding machine is less than 50% of the total consumption of the entire plant, according to Marcus Visser, Strategy and Operations Executive at GreenTech Plastics Machinery. “When we look at energy efficiency, we need to consider the entire injection moulding system. Our aim is to find the most efficient solution for our customers’ requirements,” Visser says. Combined with integrat ed temperature control solutions and intelligent device communication, ENGEL technology from GreenTech can help customers save up to 67% in electricity costs and significantly reduce carbon dioxide emissions. In recent years, ENGEL engineers and developers have reduced the power consumption of its injection moulding machines substantially. Servo-hydraulic ma chines already consume less than 60% of the amount of power used by a hydraulic injection moulding machine with a variable pump. On average, power consump tion can be more than halved using all-electric injection moulding machines. “In supplying our customers with injection moulding machines, we have defined efficiency packages,” Visser adds. The packages include integrated temperature control and smart assistance systems to reduce power consumption by an additional 20% on average. Other technical constraints such as accessibility, pre cision requirements or available space, must also be con sidered. “An overall view is needed to find the best solution and to reduce the power consumption and carbon dioxide emissions of injection moulding machines,” he says. GreenTech holds various agencies for all ancillaries related to injection moulding to ensure production lines run smoothly and optimally. “We enhance the injection moulding value stream in any factory where injection moulding is used. Knowing they have access to the best technology and service in this field, our clients can focus on their core business,” he adds. GreenTech’s major market In South Africa is the auto motive industry, one of the most advanced of its kind in the world, with major OEMs manufacturing vehicles lo cally for export. “The demands in terms of automotive in jection moulding solutions are particularly stringent due to the global standards to which all the major OEMs have to adhere,” says Visser. These relate to the quality of all components, maximum availability of the production sys tems involved, and stable processes. As well as the automotive industry, GreenTech sup plies solutions to the technical and packaging industry. Here, the latest trends in plastic injection moulding focus on recycled material or the percentage of recycled ma

Managing e-waste: How to dispose of old appliances e-Waste from electrical and electronic appliances and devices is becoming a major problem for South Africa. According to the Gauteng government website, the country produces around 360 000 tons of e-waste every year, with the province accounting for 55% of that. Patricia Schröder, spokesperson for the official pro ducer responsibility organisation (PRO) Circular Energy says, “If we are to avoid an environmental catastrophe, consumers need to be better educated on how to dis pose of their appliances properly.” New Extended Producer Responsibility (EPR) legis lation puts the onus on importers and/or manufacturers of these electrical and electronic products to ensure environmentally sound management of their products – which could include recycling of their products. Howev er, this could be severely hampered if consumers don’t know what to do with their old appliances. e-waste includes most electrical and electronic ap pliances or devices found in the typical South African GreenTech imports, installs, and services best-in-class European- designed plastics machinery and ancillary equipment. terial in components or manufactured products, in addi tion to reducing energy consumption and the impact of digitalisation. “The automotive industry is also looking at boosting recycled content within its processes,” adds JC Jonker, Head of Sales and Projects at GreenTech. “Energy efficiency and digitalisation go hand in hand,” Jonker says. ENGEL is a global leader in AI de velopments in plastic injection moulding to cut costs and reduce energy consumption. Another aspect of in corporating AI is to generate sufficient data to be used to optimise production processes and iron out teething problems in integration. For more information contact GreenTech. Mobile: +27 (0)83 704 4430 Email: bernadette@greentechmachinery.co.za Visit: https://greentechmachinery.co.za/

Continued on page 19

18 Electricity + Control AUGUST 2023

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