Electricity and Control February 2023
cordingly, on a limited basis. In principle, Ethernet APL networks are expandable for all protocols.
How does Ethernet-APL fit in with NAMUR Open Architecture? NAMUR Open Architecture, or NOA, defines lateral access to secondary information of the field instrumentation, such as configuration, alarms and diagnostics. Lateral access is independent of and runs in parallel to the control system, so the control system remains unaffected and highly available in its configuration and thus process control. NOA defines appropriate application scenarios for handling the instrumentation, such as:
- The simple commissioning of the field devices - Automatic alignment of the plant documentation - The simple exchange of instruments, or - The ability to read out several variables from one device.
For this purpose, NAMUR defines OPC-UA as the preferred protocol for Ethernet-APL networks, as it is transmitted in parallel to the industrial protocol for plant control. Ethernet-APL is the data transmission link and physics that enable this parallel communication directly to the field device. □
For more information visit: www.pepperl-fuchs.com/southafrica/en
New electrically operated solenoid valve
Valve specialist GEMÜ has introduced the new GEMÜ J70 electrically operated 2/2-way solenoid valve, optimising its existing solenoid valve product group. The GEMÜ J70 electrically operated solenoid valve is suitable for applications with low flow rates in analysis, vacuum and dosing technology and enables precise dosing. The resistant plug diaphragm made of PTFE (TFM™) has a unique sealing concept. PD technology provides for a high degree of accuracy for customer-specific applications.
With the PD (plug diaphragm) technology, the media wetted area is separated from the ac tuator by a plug diaphragm made from modi fied PTFE. PTFE is composed of linear carbon chains which are surrounded by fluorine atoms. They spatially shield the carbon atoms and protect the molecules from chemical attack – even at high er temperatures. The compact GEMÜ J70 solenoid valve has a space-saving design and features low wear and simple wear part replacement as well as good cleanability. The coil can be replaced without re moving the valve body from the piping. With CONEXO and a RFID chip, the GEMÜ J70 solenoid valve can be clearly identified, en abling efficient documentation of maintenance. In addition, the solenoid valve is variable and extendable and suitable for valve manifolds and multi-port valve blocks.
The GEMÜ J70 electrically operated solenoid valve is suitable for applications with low flow rates in analysis, vacuum
For more information visit: www.gemu-group.com
and dosing technology.
FEBRUARY 2023 Electricity + Control
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