Electricity and Control January 2021
Technologies for long-term productivity
As some global manufacturing sectors face unprece- dented pressure, now is an opportune time to implement game-changing automation technologies. Those busi- nesses that have been adopting technologies that pro- vide greater transparency, higher productivity and better process management will be better placed to move for- ward and adapt to the new manufacturing landscape. This is the view of John Browett, General Manager of CLPA Europe. Browett says current production challenges mean there is a need for factory automation solutions that not only ensure continued manufacture and supply of goods, but also provide the transparency and productivity benefits promised by Industry 4.0. “Considering the lifecycle times for automation hardware are as long as 20 years, many plants are operating with aged production systems that could benefit from an update. This is where industry-leading open communication technologies can deliver improvements in process transparency and productivity.” Time-sensitive networking To support automation plant lifecycles, it is important to look to technologies that show the promise of longevity, rapid return on investment, and clear technical benefits. Browett says it is clear that one of these will be time- sensitive networking (TSN). This is a set of Ethernet sub- standards for the OSI-Layer 2 defined by IEEE 802.1. These aim to improve determinism and reliability in industrial Ethernet-based communications by creating accurate time synchronisation across a network, as well as traffic prioritisation. This means businesses can combine multiple types of traffic on a single network, with no loss of performance for critical control-related tasks. The result is an industrial Ethernet infrastructure that permits all kinds of traffic to coexist – critical safety or motion control-related data, general control information, video frames from inspection systems, periodic shift logs, even emails. In turn this delivers several technical benefits: networks can leverage the benefits of gigabit bandwidth, and the infrastructure is simpler and therefore less costly to design, implement and maintain. Systems can
[© Credit: B4LLS/iStock]
be rolled out and start operating within a shorter time. By removing the need for physical separation of critical and non-critical networks, TSN also enables a convergence between information technology (IT) and industrial operational technology (OT). This directly addresses the competitive pressure of Industry 4.0 to deliver corresponding business benefits. Key results include better transparency and management of processes, potential product quality improvements, increased output and reduced downtime. In addition, an enterprise can become more responsive to customer demands and better able to support its business. An evolving solution While many of the IEEE 802.1 standards are complete, some are still under development. The IEC/IEEE 60802 working group is still standardising TSN profiles for in- dustrial automation, hence TSN is still evolving. In counterpoint, projects need to be implemented now, and TSN’s maturity level is such that vendors have already started to market solutions. As with most technologies, TSN will continue to evolve over time. However, any risk of moving forward now is mitigated by the fact that the organisations involved have a strong track record of ensuring backwards compatibility. So while TSN will continue to evolve, future iterations will be compatible with what is available today. TSN, as it stands today, can deliver all the benefits outlined above and offers a competitive advantage now. Current production challenges raise the need for automation solutions that can ensure continued manufacture and supply of goods.
For more information contact CLPA-Europe. Email: john.browett@eu.cc-link.org Visit: eu.cc-link.org
Electricity + Control JANUARY 2021
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