Electricity and Control January 2021
form temperature is critical to the entire process. Knowing the temperature of the product at each stand allows the operator to adjust the rollers accordingly. When the product heads for the cooling area, cooling is rapid but carefully monitored to ensure the correct metallurgical properties are maintained in the product. If cooling is not properly con- trolled, the product will not meet specifications and would then be downgraded or scrapped. In some processes, the high speeds and vibrations of narrow rod or wire products make temperature measure- ment difficult. High-performance infrared ratio thermome- ters solve this problem. Even when the target drifts in and out of the field of view or is partially obscured (by dust, steam, or other obstacles), an IR ratio thermometer will still provide accurate temperature measurements. Other processes Infrared thermometers provide temperature measurement As a technology leader in radiometric measurements, Berthold provides a wide range of analysers and meas- urement solutions specifically designed for the mining and mineral processing industry. The product range in- cludes non-contact radiometric measurement systems to monitor level, bulk flow, density, moisture and other factors. All measurement solutions are contactless and non-intrusive. Thus, there is no exposure to process me- dia and the products are unaffected by acidic, caustic, abrasive, dusty or sticky conditions. Berthold measurement solutions offer a number of key advantages that make them more reliable in critical ap- plications. These include: - Online measurement: real-time pro- cess information - Excellent reading stability: no need for frequent recalibration - Ruggedness: no moving parts - High reliability: high accuracy with good reproducibility - Excellent sensitivity: even with low source activities.
solutions for every step in the steel treatment and manu- facturing process, from coke ovens and blast furnaces to annealing mills and coating mills. Temperature measure- ment solutions are also available for forging mills and heat treating facilities. R&C Instrumentation covers the full range of infrared temperature measuring devices. Continual innovation and new products, like the stainless steel Endurance and Thermalert series, designed by Raytek and Ircon together, now combined as Fluke Process Instruments, offer solutions for all temperature measurement and monitoring requirements. □
For more information visit: www.randci.co.za
Measurement solutions for mining and mineral processing
reliability. Other fields of application are, for example, in chemicals and polymers (such as in the fertiliser in- dustry), steel and power plants, waste and recycling, re- fineries, paper, glass, and the food industry. Its product portfolio also includes microwave measuring systems to determine moisture and concentration levels. In South Africa Mecosa (Pty) Ltd is the sole represent- ative for Berthold Technologies.
For more information contact Mecosa. Tel: +27 (0)11 257 6100
e-mail: measure@mecosa.co.za Visit: www.berthold.com/mining
Berthold instruments are used in various processes, such as measuring potassium content in the potash industry, measuring the density of slurries and suspensions, the moisture in bulk solids, mass flow on conveyors, density for dredging applica- tions, measuring level in autoclaves, and measuring the solids content in thickeners. As a world leader in the technology of radiometric measuring systems, Berthold Technologies makes products to deliver outstanding measuring performance and
Berthold provides a wide range of measurement solutions designed specifically for the mining and mineral processing industry.
Electricity + Control JANUARY 2021
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