Electricity and Control January 2021
Smart infrastructure for African cities
I n the context of the global pandemic, the effects of cli- mate change are in sharp focus, pressing for attention to the resultant widespread environmental and human health challenges. These concerns of our society are accentuat- ed by the desperate need for employment and economic development. In response to this, the core focus of South Africa’s development initiatives going forward must be on sustainable solutions for people and our planet. Consult- ing Engineers South Africa CEO Chris Campbell joined the proceedings of the Sustainability Summit 2020, staged vir- tually in early December, where he participated in the panel discussion on ‘What does smart infrastructure mean in the context of African cities?’ The discussion was chaired by attorney, facilitator and consultant, Brandon Abdinor, who posed thought- provoking questions regarding the unique context in Africa and South Africa with regard to smart city goals. An overarching theme emerging from the discussion was that ‘smart’ does not necessarily mean ‘technology’. Panellists shared the view that smart infrastructure is that which is sustainable, appropriate, and caters to the needs of South Africa’s multifaceted spatial landscape. The panellists included: - Dumisa Ngwenya, Head of Research and Innovation, Sentech - Chris Campbell, CEO, Consulting Engineers South Africa (CESA) - Hiten Parmer, Director, uYilo National eMobility Pro- gramme - Lawrence P Juku, Executive Head, Centre of Excel- lence, Vodacom IoT Africa - Noel Mashayamombe, Head Decorative Technology, Plascon Timol provided a helpful lens through which to view infra- structure development. “Fundamentally, we are trying to solve human challenges with smart infrastructure. ‘Smart’ needs to be timeless, it needs to transcend generations and political boundaries to create tangible value. It is not - Najwah Allie-Edries, Head of the Jobs Fund - Shamima Timol, Senior Consultant, Hatch.
just about technology and convenience, but about meeting the needs of our people in a sustainable manner.” Ngwenya was in firm agreement with this, saying South Africa’s smart infrastructure needs to integrate the varied elements of our country, specifically the differences in the urban, suburban and rural environments. “A huge part of this is our transport infrastructure, which – if adequately ad- dressed – could be instrumental in revitalising economic opportunities.” CESA CEO Chris Campbell addressed some sensitive but vital aspects of smart city development, stating that it will require smart governance, leadership and innovation. “Our cities are far from being smart cities and the pandem- ic has highlighted our shortfalls while also spurring the ur- gency of smart initiatives.” He said while the private sec- tor pivoted using technology to remain operational during lockdown, public sector clients were missing critical infra- structure to enable them to adapt to the new hybrid working environment. “Connectivity is the core enabler and I think government can see this as a lesson learnt this year. There is now a growing understanding that technology is not just a status symbol – it is a tool for mobility and continuity.” Despite the country’s shortfalls in some regards, Campbell noted Africa’s young population as an advantage which should be leveraged. “Many countries are facing aging populations and here we have youth on our side – young people who are dynamic and can help us achieve our smart goals. Even in informal settlements, you can see our country’s young people are connected and tech-savvy. If we can improve our education system to leverage this capacity, we stand a chance of lowering our Gini coefficient towards a more equal society.” He said that achieving a smart city is not a one-stop process but a journey which will require appropriately skilled individuals to carry progress forward. Also on the topic of youth, Allie-Edries addressed youth unemployment and the claims that infrastructure develop- ment will help curb this. “The Jobs Fund has found that infrastructure development alone is not enough to create jobs. More realistically, infrastructure provides the founda- tion for job creation activities.” Other panellists discussed the policy and regulatory en- vironment, with Parmer stating that implementation is fun- damental if we are to achieve the National Development Plan 2030 vision for sustainable transport, to promote a low-carbon economy by offering transport alternatives that minimise environmental harm. “Mass urbanisation presents many challenges to our current infrastructure as well as our environment. If we are to rise to these challenges, we need an enabling regulatory and policy landscape.” Juku also touched on the transport concern, citing the country’s backlog of maintenance and the failing rail network. “We should be smart in our refurbishments, and take into con- sideration the needs of the future.”
For more information visit: www.cesa.co.za
32 Electricity + Control JANUARY 2021
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