Electricity and Control January 2023


Continued from page 22

Temporary works Temporary works are undertaken to ensure that workers can get themselves and the equipment they are installing safely up and down the structure on which they are working. Where ordinary scaffolds are used, they are deemed to satisfy standard, which means they do not need an engineer to do a site-specific design or provide a drawing. However, when a scaffold is higher than 60 m or equipment is used in unconventional ways, an engineer must design, draw and sign off on the temporary structure. For building owners or business owners looking to possible rooftop solar installations, the applicable regu lations relating to safety may not have been considered upfront, but they are important, and non-compliance could be costly. In terms of the OHS Act, it is the legal responsibility of every employer to ensure the act is com plied with by every person in their employ. This means the building owner or business owner must ensure the contractor and all employees are compliant with appli cable legislation; failure to do this could make them – as well as the contractor – liable for substantial fines or po tentially terms in prison. Botha highlights that changes to the OHS Act are on the cards – and could provide for fines of up to R5 million or five years in prison for various contraventions, as well

as the issuing of spot fines of R50 000 per contravention, applicable to both the client and contractor. This makes it all the more important to use reputable contractors, who have been in business for at least two years and have a proven track record of solar rooftop in stallations. References should be provided and checked for legitimacy. Business owners considering rooftop solar installations should be aware that this requires compliance with the relevant National Building Regulations, OHS Act, and Construction Regulations.

For more information contact WACO Africa. Tel: +27 (0)11 842 4000

Email: info@wacoafrica.co.za Visit: www.wacoafrica.co.za

JANUARY 2023 Electricity + Control


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