Electricity and Control July 2020
Remotely tracking pressure and level measurements
Instrotech, representative of Keller in South Africa, has introduced the upgraded data-logger, ARC1, the IoT communications module now with the latest transmission technology – NB-IoT (narrow band) and LTE-M. Keller was able to adapt the firmware and integrate the hard- ware (new transmission module) quite simply due to the modular design. Mobile communications providers announced in 2019 that the new NB-IoT and LTE-M standard would be rolled out and be available for energy-saving IoT devices. Based on the fourth generation of mobile communica- tions technology (4G), this technology uses LTE trans- mission technology and serves as an interesting alter- native to other data transmission technology, such as LoRaWAN. NB-IoT and LTE-M feature: - Low power consumption, (longer lasting battery) - Higher transmission ranges or lower penetrations through the building - Lower hardware costs - Enough data throughput for IoT applications or for sending measurement data - And usable around the world with roaming and specific frequencies. Bronkhorst High-Tech has announced the availability of Ethernet/IP and Modbus-TCP interface options for its mass flow meters and controllers, as well as its dig- ital pressure controllers. Like the previously developed EtherCAT and PROFINET communication protocols, Ethernet/IP and Modbus TCP interfaces are based on Ethernet communication. They can therefore be applied with standard Ethernet cabling and support an unlimited number of nodes. Ethernet/IP™ (Ethernet Industrial Protocol) is de- signed for use in industrial environments and time-critical applications. First presented by the Open Device Vendor Association (ODVA) in 2000, it is an open communication protocol that adapts common industrial protocol (CIP) to the standard Ethernet. TheModbusTCPprotocol is100%Ethernet compatible and is used for data exchange between I/O controllers and I/O devices (slaves/field devices). It adapts the widely used Modbus protocol to TCP/IP with Ethernet as the common medium. Modbus TCP is a master/slave (or client/server) system in which Bronkhorst ® instruments can only be implemented as slave devices. Bronkhorst has many years of experience with field- bus communication. With its ‘multi-bus’ concept, the company offers its customers an extensive choice of nine fieldbus interface options. The wide range of digital metering and control devices is applied in many different sectors, in the food & beverage and chemical industries, Flow meters and controllers with Ethernet interface
The ARC1 IoT device is used a n y w h e r e that pressure is measured or water levels need to be recorded. The ongoing digitalisation of cities and the ad- vance of Industry 4.0 have brought about demand for IoT (Internet of Things) devices. The modular design of the ARC1 remote trans- mission unit allowed for Keller to integrate this technol- ogy into the KELLER AG für Druckmesstechnik ARC1 following a short development phase. The first series of the ARC1 devices with NB-IoT and LTE-M transmission are currently being field tested. Test devices can already be delivered to users on request. The data sent by ARC1 can be accessed at any time, from anywhere in the world, directly in the KOLIBRI Cloud.
The Keller ARC1 tube - the pressure measurement device is now upgraded to integrate faster communications
transmission technology.
For more information contact Instrotech. Tel: +27 (0)10 595 1831 email: sales@instrotech.co.za
A Bronkhorst mass flow controller for gases with Ethernet/IP™ interface.
for example, as well as in gas and fluid analysis equip- ment, glass and tool coating processes, testing fuel cells for the automotive industry and in machinery used to pro- duce electronic chips, LED lights and solar cells. Mecosa (Pty) Ltd is the sole agent for Bronkhorst High-Tech B.V. in South Africa.
For more information contact Mecosa. Tel: +27 (0)11 257 6100 email: measure@mecosa.co.za
Electricity + Control JULY 2020
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