Electricity and Control July 2022
CONTROL SYSTEMS + AUTOMATION 4 Overcurrent protection terminals boost machine optimisation Christian Jürgenhake, Beckhoff Automation
6 Products + services
DRIVES, MOTORS + SWITCHGEAR 10 Innovative companies need innovative suppliers Nidec Control Techniques
12 VSDs enable energy savings and higher productivity Rikus Botha, ElectroMechanica
14 Products + services
MEASUREMENT + INSTRUMENTATION 18 Colour measurements: from lab to process Dr Andreas Meyer, Endress+Hauser
19 Products + services
SAFETY OF PLANT, EQUIPMENT + PEOPLE 22 Identifying safe electrical equipment for use in Ex areas Leigh Darroll, Electricity + Control
25 Tackling alarm obsolescence in hazardous facilities Gary Bradshaw, Omniflex
26 Health and safety in the workplace Louise Woodburn and Natalie Pitout, KBC Health & Safety
27 Products + services
Regulars 1 Comment Integrated systems are the standard of today
3 Cover article Continuous non-contact level measurement with FMCW radar technology
30 Engineering the future A new heat engine – as efficient as a steam turbine
31 Reskilling, upskilling + training Educating future generations
32 Write @ the back
Investigating e-taxis for SA
2 Electricity + Control JULY 2022
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