Electricity and Control March 2016
Oscilloscope… 6–in–1 versatility, high performance
TEKTRONIX has introduced the new MDO4000C oscilloscope that includes up to six built-in instruments, (spectrum analyser, arbitrary/ function generator, logic analyser, protocol analyser and digital volt meter/frequency counter).The MDO4000C Series, when configured with an integrated spectrum analyser, is the only instrument that provides simultaneous and synchronised acquisition of analogue,
digital and RF signal analysis ‒ ideal for wireless communications in IoT and EMI troubleshooting. Embedded design: Discovers and solves issues by performing system level debug on mixed signal embedded systems including today’s most common serial bus and wireless technologies. Power design: Makes reliable and repeatable voltage, current and power measurements using automated power quality, switch- ing loss, harmonics, ripple, modulation and safe operating areameasurements with the widest selection of power probes in an affordable solution. EMI troubleshooting: Tracks the source of EMI in an embed- ded system by determining which time domain signals may be causing unwanted EMI. Observations in real-time of the effects time domain signals have on system EMI emissions. Wireless troubleshooting: Whether using Bluetooth, 802.11Wi-Fi, ZigBee, or some other wireless technology, the MDO4000C enables viewing an entire system - analogue, digi- tal and RF, time-synchronised to understand its true behaviour. ManufacturingTest andTroubleshooting: Size and space constraints can play havoc on a manufacturing floor. The unique 6-in-1 MDO4000C minimises rack or bench space by integrating multiple instruments into one small package. Enquiries:The Comtest Group.Tel: 010 595 182 or email sales@comtest.co.za Master PowerTechnologies (MPT) is delivering a turnkeymod- ular data centre solution to a telecoms company in Brazzaville, in the Republic of Congo. The solution is to be delivered as a set of modular, pre-tested containers that comprise a self- contained data centre.The telecoms giant wanted to expand an existing site in Brazzaville and earmarked an old building for the new data centre.The solution devised by MPT was a two-storey, modular data centre.The solution is self-sufficient and able to run indefinitely without access to external power sources. The energy component takes up the ground floor of the building to ensure the data centre is self-sufficient, and consisted of generators, a bulk fuel supply and security controls. Rory Reid, sales and marketing manager at Master Power says the data centre has been divided into two levels of 340 m 2 each. The first level contains five Emerson 80 kW HVAC units and the second level contains three units. All in all, the equipment MPT supplied and built into the containers for the project includes: Modular data centre for telecoms operator in Congo
• 3 200 A low-voltage panels • Two 500 kW UPS systems • Two 2 400 A rectifiers • Three 1 000 kVA FG Wilson generators • One 28 000 litre diesel fuel tank
MPT will also install 122 cold aisle racks for IT equipment, although this can be expanded as required by the client.The full solution of eight modular containers was assembled and tested in South Africa by MPT before being shipped to Brazzaville. Enquiries: Rory Reid.Tel. +27 (0)11 792 7230 or email rory@kva.co.za
Electricity+Control March ‘16
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