Electricity and Control March 2016
Locally manufactured inverter solutions for 86 MWp RSA solar plant
ABB is delivering electric balance of plant for an 86 megawatt peak (MWp) project near Prieska in South Africa.This packaged inverter solution comprises locally manufactured inverter stations and me- dium voltage (MV) stations with related services. The project has been developed by Mulilo Sonnedix and is to be built by Juwi ZA. The site is located in the Northern Cape region of SouthAfrica close to Prieska, and forms part of the Renewable Energy Independent Power Producers Procurement Program (REIPPP) round 3 projects. The nominal rating of the project is 76 MW ac,The ABB plant is feeding the power to the national high voltage grid.The deliveries start in October 2015 supporting the rapid connection target to the distribution network in May 2016. ABB’s scope of delivery includes forty 2 MW PVS800-IS inverter stations, each containing two PVS800 central inverters, and respec- tive MV stations with 2,4 MVA transformers and ring main units (RMU). ABB PVS800 central inverters and inverter stations are manufactured in ABB Johannesburg facilities as well as also the 22 kV Ring Main Units (RMUs).Together with locally manufactured medium voltage transformer the local content of ABB delivery ex- ceeds 60 %. The hardware delivery is supplemented by a service offering that includes training and commissioning and local support for the years to come. “The high efficiency, reliability and easy-to-maintain industrial design of our inverters, together with our local service and support
capabilities, are the key success factors for ABB PVS800 central inverters in SouthAfrica,” says Silviu Martinescu, Manager of ABB’s business unit Power Conversion in SouthAfrica. “We are developing further our service organisation in the region to meet the increasing installed base as I expect more deliveries to come.” Enquiries: Silviu Martinescu.Tel: + 27(0)10 202 5000 or email Silviu.martinescu@za.abb.com
A motor controller to overcome typical in-plant communication barriers?
Industrial and chemical plants use numerous motors to provide the necessary motion. Any unplanned or sudden motor stops may result in costly process interruptions, making control and monitoring essential. Multiple in-plant communication protocols are used to control and monitor these motors. ABB’s UMC100.3 accomodates a wide range of communication methods; simply plug-on the required fieldbus interface or connect to the ethernet network interface. Additional information: www.abb.co.za/lowvoltage
ABB South Africa (Pty) Ltd. Electrification Products Tel. +27 10 202 5880 E-mail: LP@za.abb.com
A5 UMC 100.3 E&C 2016.indd 1
2/19/2016 2:47:07 PM
March ‘16 Electricity+Control
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