Electricity and Control March 2024


Upgraded spectrometers with advanced ED-XRF technology

Compact valve position indicator Emerson has launched the TopWorx™ DVR Switchbox, a compact, high quality and durable valve positioner that provides reliable open/close valve position feedback. This entry-level addition to the DV Series of valve position indicators combines a durable resin enclosure, compact size and a patented cam design. It offers a useful tool in managing water and wastewater systems, food and bev erage production lines and industrial utilities. The latest SPECTRO XEPOS excels at critical tasks from rapid screening analysis to precise product quality control for at-line processing in applications such as pet rochemicals, chemicals, environmental and geological samples, ores/concentrates/tailings, clinkers/cements/ slags, cosmetics, foods, pharmaceuticals, and more. Four different versions of the SPECTRO XEPOS pro vide optimum performance for selected element groups in targeted matrices. Additional features of the SPECTRO XEPOS include SPECTRO Analytical Instruments recently introduced the latest generation of SPECTRO XEPOS spectrometers, representing another leap forward in energy-dispersive X-ray fluorescence (ED-XRF) technology and outpacing standard ED-XRF instruments with performance often matching that of wavelength-dispersive WD-XRF mod els, at a much lower cost of ownership. The newest SPECTRO XEPOS features a number of advanced upgrades. These are noted below. - Improved spectra handling for increased screen ing method accuracy, even for challenging sam ples emitting complex sample spectra. - Up to 2x shorter measurement times than the previ ous model at comparable precision levels. Speed can be a decisive advantage for applications with high count rates, and analyses of many samples can be completed in as little as one to two minutes. - New capabilities in layer analysis can now analyse the thickness (down to nanometre scale) and com position of up to 8 layers on one substrate, for up to 55 elements. Measurements are greatly simplified, eliminating the need for layer calibration samples. Reference-free analytics are delivered based on solid bulk samples.

The latest generation of the SPECTRO XEPOS ED-XRF features advanced upgrades that deliver new capabilities. an innovative 50 W / 60 kV X-ray tube and adaptive excitation technology to deliver high sensitivity, optimised to target chosen elements. The instrument’s SPECTRO XRF Analyser Pro operating software provides ease of use, an array of optional pre-calibrated application packages, and power. TurboQuant II software delivers analysis of unknown samples – quickly and accurately analysing almost any unknown liquid, powder, or solid sample. Other improvements range from a low-energy win dow detector to improve routine analyses, to updated calibration ranges that match the SPECTRO XEPOS ca pabilities, to easy calibration transfer from instrument to instrument. In addition, to ensure maximum uptime, optimum performance, and a long service life for all SPECTRO elemental analysers, AMECARE Performance Services offers customised support with experienced service en gineers on hand in 50 countries. □ environments, with stainless steel components to provide a corrosion-resistant valve indication solution. Without taking up additional production line space, the unit provides clear and reliable feedback of valve position which helps process industry plants, platforms and pipelines operate at optimum efficiency and main tain safety. The TopWorx DVR Switchbox cam design enables swift position configuration for faster, easier installation and maintenance. For many process industry applica tions, the TopWorx DVR provides a versatile design well suited for use in confined spaces. In addition, the en closure has an ultraviolet (UV) F1 rating, providing UV resistance which ensures the DVR performs reliably over the long term in outdoor conditions. The TopWorx DVR Switchbox adds to the valve intel ligence and proximity sensing portfolio from Emerson, designed to help process industry plants manage and control operations more intelligently and efficiently under demanding conditions. □

The TopWorx DVR Switchbox uses a low-profile indication to provide easy-to-read local position feedback. This is important real-time data that helps technicians and plant operators keep processes on track. The DVR Switchbox is engineered for harsh

The TopWorx valve position indicator is designed for quick, easy commissioning.

18 Electricity + Control MARCH 2024

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