Electricity and Control March 2024
Choose locally manufactured transformers
In the fast-evolving power generation and distribution space, speed and efficiency are important. However, the prolonged lead times associated with acquiring trans formers – key components in any electrical infrastructure – often present a significant challenge. Such delays can result in project setbacks, increased costs and, crucially, a slower response to the country’s power demands. David Sullivan, Divisional CEO at LH Marthinusen, highlights the advantages presented by local manu facturers. He notes that, typically, the transformer is the longest lead time item in a transmission or substation project, so there is usually high pressure to purchase this piece of equipment to ensure the entire project can be delivered on time, whether it is a refurbishment, upgrade, or new build. Many transformers for local use are acquired from overseas suppliers, but most transformer factories are currently extremely busy and have overloaded order books. Projections indicate this trend will persist for the next five to eight years, driven by continued growth in global energy demand. This in turn is driven by the up take of renewable energy – from solar, wind or geother mal sources – growing demand in China and India, and the replacement of older, inefficient transformers in the US and Europe. Additionally, the electrification of motor vehicles requires power to be distributed to a network of charging stations. Shorter lead times Sullivan says it is therefore prudent for South African industrial organisations that require transformers for energy projects to engage with local manufacturers, as end-to-end lead times can be significantly shorter than those presented by international suppliers. For example, aside from the manufacturing period, sourcing a trans former from an international manufacturer requires it to be shipped to South Africa, processed through customs, and then transported by road to the project site. This can easily add up to eight weeks to the lead time – which amounts to a significant delay – an additional two months before the project can start generating profit and a return on investment. What is more, acquiring a transformer from an overseas
supplier also increases the risks associated with the transportation of the electrical equipment. Sullivan makes the point that even though they may look sturdy, transformers are fragile pieces of equipment.
Invariably, there are risks in loading and unloading large transformers and, often, shipping is routed first through a central hub before the equipment is transferred onto another vessel headed to a South African port. The risks associated with transportation are com pounded by the current logistical challenges at our local ports, which increase both technical and time-related risks. Any business decision must take risk into account and relying on local manufacturing certainly reduces transport-related risk. Local aftersales support Local aftersales support for transformers is also a key factor and this should take the form of locally based skills and equipment, as well as feet on the ground. When there are problems with a transformer during the warran ty period, there is only so much that can be done on site when the units are big. What is required is a workshop where proper repair work can be conducted, using the right equipment and tooling – and many international suppliers are unlikely to have that level of local support and workshop space. When sourcing transformers locally, a lot of effort usu ally goes into a quality assurance programme, the vetting of suppliers and products and progress inspections to ensure the customer receives a product designed and assembled to last 25-plus years. However, this falls away significantly, if not totally, when transformers are pro cured internationally. Owners of energy projects should apply the same rules and principles to the acquisition of transformers as to any other equipment. By sourcing equipment locally they retain more control.
Local manufacturers of transformers offer the advantages of shorter lead
times, fewer transportation
risks, and on the ground aftersales support.
For more information visit: www.lhm.co.za
MARCH 2024 Electricity + Control
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