Electricity and Control March 2024


For more information visit: www.valmet.com vancing to Industry 4.0 and Smart Manufacturing. Par ticipants will learn best practices in industry standards such as ISA-95 and ISA-88; how to create a solid busi ness case; how to make the right MES/MOM selection for their manufacturing needs; how to transform their busi ness to operational excellence with MES/MOM deploy ment and more. Online courses will run March 19 to 21, and May 14 to 16, 2024. This comprehensive set of courses shares a more in depth look at topics such as best practices in industry standards like ISA-95 and ISA-88; designing the MOM solutions landscape and architecture; creating a solid business case; making the right MES/MOM selection for specific manufacturing needs; and helping to transform a business to operational excellence with MES/MOM de ployment. Online courses are scheduled for April 8 to 10 and June 3 to 7, 2024. B2MML and Integration Fundamentals CoC (B2MML) This certificate programme details the elements involved in business-to-manufacturing integration using the MESA B2MML (Business To Manufacturing Markup Language) and ISA-95 standards. This is a comprehensive pro gramme for MES/MOM consultants, system analysts, industrial IT architects, programmers, and project man agers. Online courses are scheduled for April 25 to 26 and October 25 to 26, 2024. MES/MOM Methodologies Certificate of Competency (CoC) Increasing demand for S88 flexible batch software He adds that today, most processors expect an S88 aligned flexible batch control software solution, or they will go elsewhere to source one. This increasing demand was a key factor in Valmet’s de cision to acquire NovaTech Automation’s Process Division – the original developer of FlexBatch – in January of 2023. “What we were looking for was NovaTech’s batch control capabilities, and the FlexBatch software is an essential part of that,” says Kari Huovila, VP, North America Automation Systems at Valmet. Valmet expects that adding the batch control capabili ties of FlexBatch will only strengthen its own Valmet DNA system and help the company enter new industries with a competitive solution. “At this point, there are no disadvantages to using Flex Batch for batch control,” Ard says. □

Online training in MESA methodologies MESA – the Manufacturing Enterprise Solutions Association – in its Global Education Programme (GEP) provides training to manufacturers, producers and solution providers to help them establish a baseline of knowledge around smart manufacturing. Over 1 000 industry professionals have already participated in MESA’s education and training courses and are driving value back to their businesses and advancing their careers. MESA’s Certificate of Awareness (CoA) and Certificate of Competency (CoC) training programmes combine courses based on a broad spectrum of relevant subject matter into a single learning event. Certificate of Awareness Programmes are taught at a higher level without the depth/ detail of the Certificate of Competency Programmes. MES/MOM Methodologies Certificate of Awareness (CoA) This certificate aims to educate and build awareness of potential MES/MOM solutions, which are essential for ad New recipes or modifications require no programming. Operators (with appropriate access privileges) can force transitions, schedule batches and equipment allocations, and watch live recipe procedure charts for greater aware ness of batch execution. “The live view of the FlexBatch procedure chart shows what is happening with the process. Operators can see clearly which part of the recipe procedure has been com pleted, which part is currently being executed, and what comes next.” Ard notes: “Providing that kind of visibility with state-based control requires a lot of graphics and addition al programming.” Although there is a cost for the FlexBatch licences and server, it is offset by reduced DCS implementation time. Even the fundamental building block that still requires pro gramming, the FlexBatch Phases, is easier to design, cre ate, and maintain compared to state-based programming. “Decades of experience have demonstrated that a FlexBatch implementation requires up to 30% less programming,” Ard says. CONTROL SYSTEMS + AUTOMATION : PRODUCTS + SERVICES

MESA’s online training programmes provide manufacturers, producers and solutions providers with a baseline of knowledge around smart manufacturing.

For more information visit: https://mesa.org

6 Electricity + Control MARCH 2024

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