Electricity and Control November 2023


A new unified group in measurement technology

delivery of accurate data that meets the requirements of an integrated information supply. High-quality reliable instrumentation plays a crucial role in solving the com plexities of industry as we now know it. “In South Africa, Senseca will offer solutions to the challenges our customers face from one centralised source. We will be able to customise and tailor solutions more quickly,” Grobler said. “At Senseca, with the expertise vested in each of the former brands coming together, we will enhance custom ers’ engagement with us and continue to build on the confidence the South African market has in our design, technologies and manufacturing capabilities.” The know-how of each brand is pooled in multidiscipli nary teams working in three business units: Environmen tal, Industrial and Portable. People remain at the heart of the business, and their contribution of skills, knowledge and commitment will continue to be crucial to the new opportunities arising with this change. “By bringing together our individual and complemen tary value we can generate a positive impact on each other, on the people around us and, in this case, on this new opportunity,” says Gianluca Maestroni, current CEO of Delta OHM and Vice President of the Environmental Business Unit. The name Senseca is a neologism with several mean ings. First, ‘sense’ stands for sensors, the core business of measuring, monitoring, testing and control equipment. But ‘sense’ also represents the new shared purpose that sets Senseca’s future direction: to provide reliable data and facts that support businesses and society to improve the ecological and economic status quo with custom-made technology solutions. “At Senseca, we strive to safeguard our planet by balancing economic interests with environmental goals. There can be no economy without a healthy planet, and companies can make a vital contribution,” says Roland Baeuml, Vice President of the Portable Business Unit. We want to rise to this challenge and become a role model in sustainable measurement technology.” □

The GHM Group, a leading sensor technology com pany active in the fields of flow, level, portable and environmental measurement technology, is taking a further step towards internationalisation. It will merge its five brands into a single company – Senseca – with effect from 1 January 2024. Establishing one compa ny, one brand, one purpose, Senseca will have the agility to respond to customers’ needs and market trends quickly and contribute to a sustainable future. The five GHM Group brands (Honsberg, Greisinger, Martens, Val.Co and Delta OHM) will combine their expertise to continue on their global path within Senseca, maintaining the same entrepreneurial spirit with which they were founded and their well-recognised standards of design and manufacturing excellence. “The transition from a group with five brands to a single company will see a major change in how we approach the market and develop our products,” says GHM Group CEO Christian Unterberger. “In an ever-evolving world, we want to create an agile com pany that can respond quickly to customers’ needs and emerging trends.” Senseca’s philosophy is clear: to place the custom er at the heart of every decision and help them grow through an application-based approach. The new ‘one face to the customer’ focus aims to offer customers an improved experience with easy access to the entire product range. “Concentrating our efforts on a single brand, we can build stronger and longer lasting relationships with our customers, exploit synergies between sites and differen tiate ourselves in a sometimes, complex market,” says Stefan Langer, Vice President of the Industrial Business Unit. Jan Grobler, Managing Director of GHM Messtechnik South Africa (to become Senseca South Africa) said, “In today’s industrial world with its increasing demand for environmental standards to be met, measurement, sen sors and monitoring instrumentation will be key to the

GHM Group CEO, Christian Unterberger.

Managing Director of GHM Messtechnik South Africa, Jan Grobler.

New universal temperature transmitter with drift detection

application. With the T38, users can monitor processes more efficiently. In addition to a number of standard sensor characteristic curves, WIKA’s newly developed True Drift Detection is incorporated in the T38. This function signals any deviation of the measured value from the characteristic curve, immediately. The T38 has six sensor connec tion terminals that can be configured

The new model T38 digital temper ature transmitter from WIKA ena bles flexible and stable temperature measurement. The instrument offers a maximum of sensor connection combinations and a new type of drift detection. Head-mounted and rail-mounted models are available in SIL and various Ex versions. The temperature transmitter, fully developed in accordance with IEC 61508, is designed for general

The T38 incorporates Wika’s newly developed True Drift Detection, which signals any deviation of measured value from the characteristic curve.

Continued on page 19

18 Electricity + Control NOVEMBER 2023

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