Electricity and Control November 2023
Five tips to prevent rotating equipment problems
R otating equipment is pivotal in various industries, powering everything from manufacturing processes to energy produc tion. These critical machines include pumps, turbines, compres sors, motors, and more. However, as workhorses of industry they are not immune to problems, which can range from minor inef ficiencies to catastrophic failures. To ensure smooth operations and extend the lifespan of rotating equipment, it is essential to implement condition monitoring and allied measures. Rotating machinery specialist, Prei Instrumentation, provides some cru cial tips to prevent common problems. Vibration monitoring and control One of the primary challenges faced by rotating equipment is excessive vibration. Vibrations can arise due to imbalances, mis alignments, mechanical looseness, worn components, or reso nance. If left unchecked, such vibrations can lead to increased wear and tear, decreased efficiency and, potentially, catastrophic failures. Rotating machinery specialists recommend implementing ro bust vibration monitoring systems. The systems employ sensors to detect vibrations at various points on the equipment and pro vide real-time data. By continuously monitoring vibration levels and trends, operators can identify early signs of problems and take corrective action before the problems escalate. Prei Instru mentation offers cutting-edge anti-vibration solutions that help mitigate vibrations, minimising the risk of equipment damage and downtime. Condition monitoring and machine protection Condition monitoring goes beyond vibration analysis to encom pass a broader range of indicators that can reveal the health of rotating equipment. Temperature, pressure, lubrication, and other measured parameters provide valuable insights into the machine’s operational state. Rotating machinery specialists ad vocate the integration of condition monitoring systems that track multiple variables simultaneously. Prei Instrumentation’s expertise lies in providing comprehen sive condition monitoring solutions that enable predictive main tenance. Closely monitoring various parameters and comparing them to established baselines allow operators to detect devia tions and take proactive corrective measures. Early intervention based on accurate data can prevent equipment failures, reduce unplanned downtime, and extend the equipment’s life. Overspeed control Overspeed occurs when a rotating machine operates at a speed higher than its design limits. This can lead to equipment failures, resulting in safety hazards and costly downtime. Preventing overspeed requires precise control mechanisms and monitoring systems. Rotating machinery specialists recommend the implemen tation of overspeed control systems, including overspeed pro
tection devices and automatic shutdown mechanisms. These systems detect de viations in rotational speed and trigger appropriate responses to prevent the equipment from exceeding safe operat ing limits. Prei Instrumentation offers ad vanced overspeed control solutions tailored to specific equip ment types and industry requirements. Anti-surge control In compressors and certain turbines, surge is a phenomenon where the flow of fluids becomes unstable, leading to pressure fluctuations and potential damage to the equipment. Surge can occur due to sudden changes in load, process conditions, or system disturbances. Preventing surges requires sophisticated control strategies and rapid response mechanisms. Anti-surge control systems are recommended to actively manage compressor or turbine operations to avoid surge con ditions. Using real-time data, the systems adjust the machine’s operating parameters and maintain stable flow conditions. Prei Instrumentation’s anti-surge control solutions are designed to en hance the safety and reliability of rotating equipment in complex industrial environments. Regular maintenance and training Even with advanced monitoring and control systems, regular maintenance remains a cornerstone in preventing rotating equip ment problems. Scheduled inspections, lubrication, alignment checks, and component replacements are es sential to prolonging machine life.
Rotating machinery specialists also empha sise the importance of training for operators and maintenance personnel. Well-trained staff can detect early signs of problems, operate equip ment efficiently, and respond appropriately to alarms and alerts from monitoring systems. Preventing rotating equipment problems requires a holistic approach encompassing vibration monitoring, condition monitoring, overspeed control, anti-surge measures, and diligent maintenance practices. Rotating ma chinery specialists like Prei Instrumentation offer a comprehensive suite of solutions to ad dress these challenges. By implementing these five tips and partnering with industry experts, businesses can ensure the smooth operation of their rotating equipment, enhance safety, and maximise operational efficiency. □
Prei Instrumentation offers a range of solutions to monitor rotating equipment,
including speed monitoring and
control systems like the SpeedSys200.
For more information contact Prei Instrumentation. Visit: www.prei.co.za
NOVEMBER 2023 Electricity + Control
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