Electricity and Control October 2023


Fine sorting of metals for recycling

REDWAVE, a world leader in XRF sensor-based sorting tech nology, has introduced a new generation of sorting machines. The cutting-edge REDWAVE XRF fine sorting machine sets new benchmarks for sorting fine materials in the metal recy cling industry. It can accurately

belt system instead of a chute system, drawing on the company’s extensive experience and cross-application know-how. Compared to conventional chute systems, the belt system offers maximum precision, which is par ticularly advantageous when sorting fine metals so they can be precisely identified and accurately ejected. The belt system offers significant benefits over the chute sys tem when handling fine, small, and round materials. The new machine is designed for ease of access and maintenance, including quick belt changes when needed. It is loaded with energy-saving valves optimally ar ranged and spaced to maximise sorting accuracy. The REDWAVE XRF fine also boasts innovative sensor tech nology that offers fast scan rates, a higher resolution, and precise material detection. Additionally, REDWAVE is in dependent of supply chains. With these developments, the REDWAVE XRF fine sorting machine can sort fine materials efficiently, setting new standards in performance and precision for metal recycling. MECOSA (Pty) Ltd is the sole business partner for Redwave in Southern Africa. tance of the device. Remote monitoring is carried out via the Sigfox network. Each device is supplied with a free of-charge 12-month subscription to Sigfox. Information can be shared among several users. The tank level monitor uses radar, which makes for more accurate reading than ultrasound as it does not pick up the sides of the tank. “Remote level monitors al low the user to manage what they can’t see: the levels of water inside their tanks,” says Sebasti Badenhorst, Sales and Marketing Executive for JoJo. “The JoJo tank level monitoring device is easy to use and install on top of the JoJo tank. It has been designed to be flexible so it can be used in most applications, or in scalable solutions to incorporate a collection of tanks. It is calibrated for the range of JoJo vertical, slimline and horizontal tanks and allows for interconnected tanks, but the configuration can be customised for any tank,” Badenhorst says. The app can be downloaded directly from the app store and is compatible with IOS, Google Play and Android platforms. The device is, like the JoJo Tank, developed in South Africa by JoJo and is supported by a local call centre. For more information contact MECOSA. Tel: +27 (0)11 25 -6100 E-Mail: measure@mecosa.co.za Visit: www.mecosa.co.za

detect and sort a blend of non-ferrous metals from a size of 4 to 25 mm, to produce high-quality products such as pure copper, brass, zinc and precious metal fractions. Metal recycling presents many benefits, including energy savings and preserving valuable resources. For metal recyclers, fully automated sorting with X-ray fluo rescence (XRF) technology has proven to be economical and efficient for years. However, a challenge arises in sorting fine materials (4 to 25 mm) without losses. Conventional sorting ma chines typically use a chute system, which works well for coarser materials, but presents some drawbacks when handling fine materials. These include chute behaviour, changes in trajectory, and the adherence of contami nated parts. These limitations can result in deteriorating quality in the sorted material and a reduction in output. REDWAVE XRF fine has been developed specifically for materials sized from 4 mm. The machine employs a South African company JoJo has a histo ry of innovation, since founder Jan Joubert cooked plastic in his farm kitchen to pioneer roto-moulding of large plastic containers. Forty years later, JoJo still aims to be at the forefront of development that brings affordable solutions to domestic, agricultural and commercial water storage and backup supply. In September, South Africa’s largest water tank manu facturer, JoJo Tanks, which has been proactive in adding to its range of products as a holistic water solutions com pany, launched a remote water monitoring smartphone application – JoJo Monitor. The application is available from the Apple and Android stores. In partnership with a local engineering company, JoJo has spent four years developing the remote wa ter monitoring smartphone application and three IOT devices. The JoJo IoT devices can monitor tank levels, measure water consumption, and detect water in places where it either should or should not be ponding. The first device to be launched is the JoJo Tank level monitor. The JoJo Monitor application has an easy-to-use in terface, which allows for user defined alerts and setup, using Bluetooth for the initial activation and testing, and live readings or real-time monitoring within reading dis

The REDWAVE XRF fine has been well received in the market as customers confirm the machine’s exceptional performance and precision.

Homegrown tech to monitor Jojo tanks

Jojo Tanks has developed a remote monitoring application and related IoT devices for its water storage tanks.

For more information visit: www.jojo.co.za

22 Electricity + Control OCTOBER 2023

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