Electricity and Control September 2022
Testing switchgear to extremes
As grids are put under greater pressure by more extreme weather globally, ABB has established Europe’s first climatic test chamber for testing medium voltage (MV) switchgear in extreme conditions. The climatic test chamber in Brno, Czech Republic, will be used to test all ABB energised indoor MV switch gear panels, to ensure they keep the power on 24/7 in the harshest operating environments. The state-of-the-art test facility will simulate harsh cli matic site conditions, from temperature lows of -50°C to highs of up to 80°C as well as pollution conditions. It will also test for 0 to 100% humidity and water condensation, all of which can cause switchgear to age faster. The enhanced testing, which can take from four to eight weeks to complete for each component, will take ABB’s switchgear beyond current standards, to comply with the new (IEC/TS 62271-304 from Class 1 to Class 4) regulation. It will improve the quality and reliability of ABB’s energised MV indoor switchgear solutions when operating in the most extreme climatic site conditions and polluted environments, to reduce failures and un planned downtime at customers’ sites. Martin Stefanka, ABB’s Global Technology Manager for Distribution Solutions said: “Our new climatic
Testing unigear switchgear in the new climatic test chamber.
test chamber will help us to understand the limits of our switchgear beyond the requirements of current standards. By simulating the harshest of conditions, from the coldest Arctic temperatures to the stifling heat of the Sahara, we will enhance product reliability and grid resilience to help our customers to keep the power supply on full-time.”
For more information contact ABB. Visit: https://go.abb/electrification
SEPTEMBER 2022 Electricity + Control
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