Electricity and Control September 2024
Catching the wave
energy + information in industry
W elcome to another packed edition of Electricity + Control . The only trou bling concern to observe is how rapidly this year has moved along. This month we feature: Control systems + automation, Drives, motors + switchgear, Measurement + instrumentation, Trans formers, substations + cables. Each of these topics can be considered in light of the developments we see around us – inviting us to decide how and when we invest further in our plant. Could we be seeing the start of a new and more positive time ahead? It cannot be overstated that the absence of substan tive load shedding has certainly buoyed the spirits of many in industry. When I last looked, it was over 140 days. Intriguingly, some are behaving as if those dark days are over. They are not – but certainly, the road ahead is now a lot more predictable, isn’t it? Although it is not for this comment to unpack what has led to this improvement, we can all agree that the changes are pal pable. I am reminded of the role played by that new sheriff in town … We also see growing indications for a decreasing inflation rate and a decline in fuel prices. They say that one swallow does not a summer make – but somehow the bird watching seems to be getting better. While the noise levels remain high, some clarity and energy seem to be emerging from the state for the first time in a long while. And I have the sense that it is this new energy in some ministries that may well be driving sentiment and behaviour. This is great. It also poses the question: can we catch up with our on-site investments to ensure that, should this turn in the tide be sustain
able, we are able to compete in the wider world? There are formidable competitors out there but reflect for a moment on this: we argue that maintenance of so much of our infrastructure has fallen way behind sched ule – in many respects we argue that it has been neglected. Be assured that in much of the devel oped world a lot of infrastructure is at its end of life. This is a wicked challenge: the more de veloped and substantial, for instance, your road and bridge infrastructure is, the more costly it is going to be to upgrade, repair and replace it. My sense is, however, that much of the world has infrastructure that is simply ‘working, so why break it’, and this is a situation that will catch us all out quite suddenly. We have heard stories that bridge infra structure in South Africa’s wealthiest prov ince needs some attention; so, imagine what that must look like in the most popu lated area of the USA? The sub-text of all of this is that, if we continue to turn this ship, surely we can be competitive in the true sense of the word. But there is work to do: our state logis tics infrastructure is still dysfunctional, and that can be a massive impediment. It is clear the country’s water infrastructure needs extensive maintenance and devel opment work, as does the power network. I have previously made the observation that opportunity arrives in waves – and unless you have your surfboard ready, and your sunscreen on, you will miss it. Let’s not allow that to happen again!
Editor: Leigh Darroll Design & Layout: Darryl James Advertising Manager: Paul Engelbrecht Circulation: Karen Smith Editorial Technical Director: Ian Jandrell Publisher: Karen Grant Deputy Publisher: Wilhelm du Plessis As demand for renewable energy grows, medium voltage PV substa tions play a central role in integrating this new energy and ensuring relia ble, efficient, and sustainable power distribution systems. (Read more on page 3.)
Audited circulation Quarter 2 (April-June) 2024 Total print and e-editions 10 541
Published monthly by: Crown Publications (Pty) Ltd Cnr Theunis and Sovereign Sts, Bedford Gardens, PO Box 140, Bedfordview 2008 Printed by: Tandym Print Telephone: +27 (0) 11 622 4770
E-mail: ec@crown.co.za; admin@crown.co.za Website: www.crown.co.za/electricity-control
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The views expressed in this publication are not necessarily those of the publisher, the editor, SAAEs, SAEE, CESA or the Copper Development Association Africa
1 SEPTEMBER 2024 Electricity + Control
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