Housing in Southern Africa April 2015
Bricks & Paving
face brick
living which was particularly impor- tant in an environment populated by young families. “The inorganic qualities of fired clay deliver mineral content that guarantees a nearly pol- lution free indoor air quality, which is particularly relevant in a home environment. A natural propensity to absorb and release humidity from the at- mosphere provides a good moisture balance inside apartments and pro- tects against mould growth, which is
characteristics include affordability, longevity and structural strength, flexibility in design and application, natural sound proofing qualities, incombustibility, natural resistance to fire, solidity and security. The enduring natural earthy colours and textures of clay face brick walls sig- nificantly reducemaintenance costs,” said van Heerden. He added that five overseas and three South African studies indicated that clay bricks promoted healthy
widely recognised as a contributing factor to sick building syndrome.” Van Heerden added that one of the most important attributes of clay brick was its good thermal performance. Scientific research has demonstrated that clay brick struc- tures are warm in winter and cool in summer and, as a result, cut energy usage substantially. He concluded: “Clay brick is the one man-made walling material that has proven to be more than up to the task.” ■
April 2015
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