Housing in Southern Africa April 2016
New Langa apartments still to be named The City of Cape Town’s Naming Committee has recommended a list of names for the newly built community residential apartments and complex in Langa to Executive Mayor, Patricia de Lille, for approval.
T he rental units were recently built on the corner of Bhunga Avenue and Ndabeni Street in Langa, as part of the City’s hostel transformation programme. The development consists of 18 individual residential units, collec- tively forming the complex. Part of this redress project is to identify suitable names for the new complex and rental units, in consultationwith the broader community of Langa. “The naming of the units is an ideal opportunity to commemorate the people and events that influenced the character and culture of Langa. The naming process is also part of our ef- forts to build an inclusive citywhere all of us feel welcome, have a stake in the future, and enjoy a sense of belong- ing,” said the Chairperson of the City’s Naming Committee, Brett Herron. Last year a steering committee, in consultation with the local commu- nity, identified 19 names during a se- ries of community meetings that took place in Langa. A public participation process followed in August 2015with a total of 111 residents commenting on the names that were proposed. The Naming Committee has recom- mended the following names to the Executive Mayor for approval: • Hamilton Naki Square – in honour of the late Hamilton Naki who stayed in a hostel at Special Quar- ters. He was part of Dr Christiaan Barnard’s team during the first human heart transplant at the Groote Schuur Hospital in 1967. Despite his limited formal educa- tion hewas posthumously awarded an honorary doctorate by the Uni- versity of Cape Town for his role in the heart transplant team. • Elangeni –‘place of sun’ • Khayalethu – ‘our home’ • Masihlanganeni – ‘let us be together’. • Ruth Vimbela – the late Ruth Vim- bela stayed in Special Quarters and distinguished herself as a local en- trepreneur. Shewas the only female shoemaker at the time. • New Hope; • Ukhozi –‘eagle’ • Zamokuhle –‘try something good’ • Willard Nodlela – the late Willard Nodlela was a well-known trade unionist. He supported for the re- peal of the influx control measures so that hostel residents could stay
promoting hygienic conditions in the area • Sonwabile – ‘we are happy’ • Simunye – ‘we are one’ • Price Siqwana – the late Price Siqwana community leader and activist advocated the provision of electricity. If the Executive Mayor supports these names, they will be recommended to Council for a final decision. Herron said, “The naming of public spaces, residential units and roads, among others, is pivotal in building a shared community across differ- ent cultural, social and economic groups.” ■
with their families. He also advo- cated for the general improvement of hostel living conditions. • SiphoGxabeka – the late SiphoGxa- bekawas a community activist who distinguishedhimself by uniting the residents in order for their views to be heard by the authorities. • Ekuhleni – ‘place of good things’ • Ekuphumleni – ‘resting place’ • Nkonjane – ‘swallow’ • Sinqobile – ‘we are victorious’ • Enkululekweni – ‘place of freedom’ • Ntsikelelo Sneke – the late Ntsikele- lo Sneke was a Special Quarters resident and community activist who is honoured for his role in
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