Housing in Southern Africa April 2016
Industry Buzz
Occupational Health & Safety expo
T he exhibition is not only the largest platform for industry’s leading products and services and a host of visitor attractions, but visitors are afforded an opportunity to learn about the latest trends in best practice and up to date legisla- tion in two free-to-attend seminar programmes. The event will be held at Gallagher Convention Centre in Midrand from 24 to 26 May 2016. “A-OSH EXPO affords industry professionals the unique opportu- nity to interact not only with best of breed exhibitors, but also with knowledgeable industry speakers who have tailored their seminar pre- sentations to address pertinent and pressing needs within the market,” says Joshua Low, A-OSH EXPO Event Director at Specialised Exhibitions. A-OSHEXPO2016 enjoys the endorse- ment of a number of leading industry associations, including the Institute for Working at Height (IWH), IOSM, Nebosh, FPASA, NOSHEBO, PASMA, the Safety First Association, SAIOH, Sapema and Saiosh.
A-OSHEXPOhas earned itsplaceasAfrica’s leadingoccupational health and safety exhibition through a carefully orchestrated combination of products, services and educational sessions.
A-OSH EXPO will again be co- locatedwith Securex, Africa’s leading source for security and fire products and services. The exhibition covers
all aspects of security and fire risk analysis and alleviation and for the first time, will include a conference that addresses cyber security. ■
Coatings training online
Tuition by the SA Paint Manufacturing Association’s (SAPMA) training arm, the SA Paint Industry Training Institute (SAPITI), now includes the latest IT developments.
successful learn- ing outcomes. The program includes comprehensive as- sessment author- ing, scheduling, de- livery and reporting capabilities such as surveys, quizzes, tests and exams. “With the intro- duction of Ques-
Occupations (QCTO). This requires the as- sociation to develop a national databank of standardised assess- ment instruments,
incorporating a special student management sys- tem. Funding by
Mandy Linossi
the Chemical Industries Edu- cation Train- ing Authority
tionmark, SAPITI has started on the first phase of training our tutors to master authoring written assess- ments in electronic format. The traditional ‘Computer Marked Assess- ments’ (CMAs - or multiple choice questions) can now be submitted from a student’s laptop or PC and students will receive their results immediately,” she says. For further info contact SAPMA on 011 615 1195 / www.sapma.org.za ■
T his offers students and tutors a more streamlined and effec- tive learning experience says Mandy Linossi, SAPMA’s Training Administrator. “These technologi- cal advancements have led to the association being appointed as an ‘Assessment Quality Partner’ (AQP) by the Quality Council of Trades and
(CHIETA) enabled the association to purchase Questionmark, a software development program managed by Bytes People Solutions, to achieve its training objectives.” Linossi says that Questionmark provides technologies and services that enable organisations tomeasure knowledge and skills and achieve
April 2016
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