Housing in Southern Africa August 2015
Streamlining operations,
expanding the inspection staff complement and increasing the number of site visits by inspectors, during the home building process, has put the National Home Builders Registration Council (NHBRC) on a firm footing. S ince the NHBRC embarked on the road to redemption, it has cleaned the slate and its contri- bution to the sector and newbenefits are unparalled compared to its past. The state entity has undergone a metamorphosis in the past two years, and finally the housing sector and consumers are seeing real benefits. Tasked with inspections, enrol- ments and providing support to de- velopers, builders and stakeholders, its new programmes and approach is one of partnering and not policing. With the NHBRC’s role escalat- ing and expanding this has been a massive undertaking as inspections include the entire residential spec- trum - from the simplest rural home to the most lavish palatial Sandhurst residence in Johannesburg - resi- dential developments countrywide, alterations and upgrades. The NHBRC’s mandate is to en-
inspectors’ currently operational and over 450 000 inspections carried out annually, this number is increasing exponentially as the Minister of Hu- man Settlements aims to deliver 1,5 million houses by 2019. The NHBRC recently rolled out a series of road- shows to showcase newprogrammes to assist builders, developers and new entrants. BUILDERS’ BENEFITS The NHBRC has streamlined the en- rolment system and the time frame for the issuing of enrolment certifi- cates has also shortened to between three to five days. Mnyani adds that the state entity has received acco- lades for these improvements. Enrolment certificates have a
sure that housing consumers are protected and that home builders, developers, local, provincial and national housing projects are all enrolled, inspected and comply with building standards. The NHBRC’s enrolment fee pro- vides assurance in the event that there is structural damage and will enable the state entity to rectify the damage on behalf of the consumer, provided the builder is registered and that the house is enrolled with the NHBRC. CEO, Mongezi Mnyani’s name is synonymous with hard work and lis- tening to him discuss how much the NHBRC has accomplished in such a short time frame, is impressive. Mnyan i says tha t wi th 200
August 2015
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